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Connection to servo motor on Arduino MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier

Since R2020a

Add-On Required: This feature requires the MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware add-on.


This object represents a connection to a servo motor with the specified motor number on an MKR Motor Carrier or a Nano Motor Carrier. You can control the servo motor using the functions listed under Object Functions.



servoObj = servo(mcObj,motornumber) creates a connection to the servo motor at the specified motor number on the Arduino® MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier.


Input Arguments

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Connection to the MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier, specified as an object.

Example: servoObj = servo(mcObj,1) creates a servo motor connection at motor number 1 connected to Servo1.

Servo motor number where the motor is connected on an MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier, specified as a number.


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This property is read-only.

Servo motor number where the motor is connected on an MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier, specified as a number.


>> servoObj.MotorNumber
ans = 

Data Types: numeric

Object Functions

Use these object functions to create a connection to the servo motor.

writePositionWrite position of servo motor connected to MKR Motor Carrier or Nano Motor Carrier


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Create an arduino object with the 'MotorCarrier' library.

arduinoObj = arduino('/dev/ttyACM0','Nano33IoT','Libraries','MotorCarrier')
arduinoObj = 
  arduino with properties:

                  Port: '/dev/ttyACM0'
                 Board: 'Nano33IoT'
         AvailablePins: {'D0-D13', 'A0-A7'}
  AvailableDigitalPins: {'D0-D13', 'A0-A7'}
      AvailablePWMPins: {'D2-D6', 'D9-D10'}
   AvailableAnalogPins: {'A0-A3', 'A6-A7'}
    AvailableI2CBusIDs: [0]
AvailableSerialPortIDs: [1]
             Libraries: {'MotorCarrier'}
Show all properties

Create a connection to the Nano Motor Carrier.

mcObj = motorCarrier(arduinoObj)
mcObj = 
  MotorCarrier with properties:

          SCLPin: 'A5'
          SDAPin: 'A4'
      I2CAddress: 102 ('0x66')

Create a servo motor connection.

servoObj = servo(mcObj,4)
servoObj = 
  Servo with properties:

    MotorNumber: 4 (Servo4)

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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