path = plan(planner,start,goal)
finds the shortest obstacle-free path, path, between a specified start
point, start, and goal point, goal, specified as
[row column] in grid frame with origin at top-left corner, using the
specified A* path planner planner.
path = plan(planner,start,goal,'world')
finds the shortest obstacle-free path, path, between a specified start
point, start, and goal point, goal, specified as
[x y] in world coordinate frame with origin at bottom-left corner,
using the specified A* path planner planner.
[path,debugInfo] = plan(___)
also returns debugInfo that contains the path cost, number of nodes
explored, and GCost for each explored node.
planner — A* path planner for grid map plannerAStarGrid object
A* path planner for a grid map, specified as a plannerAStarGrid
start — Start position in grid or world two-element vector
Start position in the grid or world, specified as a two-element vector of the form
[rowcolumn], or [xy]. The location is in grid positions or world coordinates based on
Example: [2 3]
Data Types: double
goal — Goal position in grid or world two-element vector
Goal position in the grid or world, specified as a two-element vector of the form
[rowcolumn], or [xy]. The location is in grid positions or world coordinates based on
Shortest obstacle-free path, returned as an n-by-2 matrix.
n is the number of waypoints in the path. Each row represents the
[rowcolumn], or [xy] location of a waypoint along the solved path from the start
location to the goal. The location is in grid positions or world coordinates based on
Data Types: double
debugInfo — Debugging information for path result structure
Debugging information for the path result, returned as a structure with these fields:
PathCost — Cost of the path
NumNodesExplored — Number of nodes explored
GCostMatrix — GCost for each explored node
Data Types: struct
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