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Find shortest obstacle-free path between two points

Since R2020b


    path = plan(planner,start,goal) finds the shortest obstacle-free path, path, between a specified start point, start, and goal point, goal, specified as [row column] in grid frame with origin at top-left corner, using the specified A* path planner planner.


    path = plan(planner,start,goal,'world') finds the shortest obstacle-free path, path, between a specified start point, start, and goal point, goal, specified as [x y] in world coordinate frame with origin at bottom-left corner, using the specified A* path planner planner.

    [path,debugInfo] = plan(___) also returns debugInfo that contains the path cost, number of nodes explored, and GCost for each explored node.


    collapse all

    Plan the shortest collision-free path through an obstacle grid map using the A* path planning algorithm.

    Generate a binaryOccupancyMap object with randomly scattered obstacles using the mapClutter function.

    map = mapClutter;

    Use the map to create a plannerAStarGrid object.

    planner = plannerAStarGrid(map);

    Define the start and goal points.

    start = [2 3];
    goal = [248 248];

    Plan a path from the start point to the goal point.


    Visualize the path and the explored nodes using the show object function.


    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title AStar, xlabel Columns, ylabel Rows contains 8 objects of type image, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Path, Start, Goal, GridsExplored.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    A* path planner for a grid map, specified as a plannerAStarGrid object.

    Start position in the grid or world, specified as a two-element vector of the form [row column], or [x y]. The location is in grid positions or world coordinates based on syntax.

    Example: [2 3]

    Data Types: double

    Goal position in the grid or world, specified as a two-element vector of the form [row column], or [x y]. The location is in grid positions or world coordinates based on syntax.

    Example: [28 46]

    Data Types: double

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Shortest obstacle-free path, returned as an n-by-2 matrix. n is the number of waypoints in the path. Each row represents the [row column], or [x y] location of a waypoint along the solved path from the start location to the goal. The location is in grid positions or world coordinates based on syntax.

    Data Types: double

    Debugging information for the path result, returned as a structure with these fields:

    • PathCost — Cost of the path

    • NumNodesExplored — Number of nodes explored

    • GCostMatrix — GCost for each explored node

    Data Types: struct

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b

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