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Find body load assigned to geometric region



bl = findBodyLoad(bodyLoads,RegionType,RegionID) returns the body load assigned to a geometric region of the structural model. A body load must use units consistent with the geometry and other model attributes.


collapse all

Create a structural model.

structuralModel = createpde("structural","static-solid");

Create and plot the geometry.

gm = multicuboid(0.5,0.1,0.1);
structuralModel.Geometry = gm;

Specify Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and the mass density. Notice that the mass density value is required for modeling gravitational effects.

structuralProperties(structuralModel,"YoungsModulus",210E3, ...

Specify the gravity load on the beam.

structuralBodyLoad(structuralModel, ...

Check the body load specification for cell 1.

ans = 
  BodyLoadAssignment with properties:

                   RegionType: 'Cell'
                     RegionID: 1
    GravitationalAcceleration: [0 0 -9.8000]
              AngularVelocity: []
                  Temperature: []
                     TimeStep: []
                        Label: []

Input Arguments

collapse all

Body loads of the model, specified as a BodyLoads property of a StructuralModel object.

Example: structuralmodel.BodyLoads

Geometric region type, specified as "Face" for a 2-D model or "Cell" for a 3-D model.

Example: findBodyLoad(structuralmodel.BodyLoads,"Cell",1)

Data Types: char | string

Geometric region ID, specified as a vector of positive integers. Find the region IDs by using pdegplot.

Example: findBodyLoad(structuralmodel.BodyLoads,"Cell",1)

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

collapse all

Body load assignment, returned as a BodyLoadAssignment object. For details, see BodyLoadAssignment Properties.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b