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Configure Polyspace Access License

The Polyspace® Access™ license is a Network Named User (NNU) license that requires a license manager to manage license checkouts and an options file to specify the Named Users to whom you grant right-to-use privileges.


For Enterprise license customers, the Polyspace Access user login must match the user login of the computer where Polyspace as You Code is used. If these two logins do not match, the same user checks out two different licenses when using Polyspace Access and Polyspace as You Code. For more information, contact your MathWorks® sales representative.

Configure NNU License


Follow these steps to configure the Polyspace Access license. To add or remove users, see Manage Named Users for Polyspace Access.

Each licensed Polyspace Access user can log in to up to five concurrent sessions.


These instructions do not apply to Enterprise license customers. Contact your license administrator to configure the Polyspace Access Enterprise license.

Step 1: Configure License Manager Options File

Copy this template file to a text editor and save it as MLM.opt on the machine where you installed the license manager.


  • Use this file to identify the users to whom you grant right-to-use privileges for Polyspace Access (Polyspace_BF_Access). Users with right-to-use privileges for Polyspace Access can review or generate reports for results that were generated with a Bug Finder, Code Prover, and Ada analysis.

    A user with right-to-use privileges for Polyspace Access has right-to-use privileges for Polyspace as You Code.

  • For each user, enter the username that the user specifies to log into Polyspace Access. The usernames correspond to the username entries in your company LDAP server or the User Manager internal directory. See Configure User Manager.

  • For Polyspace as You Code users, the username must also match the username used to log into the machine where the user installs and runs Polyspace as You Code.

Polyspace Access ignores any license timeout value you set in the license options file (MLM.opt) by using the syntax TIMEOUT feature seconds. To set the licensing timeout, use the Authentication token expiration setting of the User Manager. See Configure User Manager.

Step 2: Configure Server License

Copy your Polyspace Access license to the server machine where you installed the license manager and save it as license.dat. Open the file in a text editor and insert these lines at the top of the file.

SERVER lmHostname HostID 27000 
DAEMON MLM pathTo_MLM_bin options=pathTo_MLM.opt port=27100


Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the machine where you installed the license manager. To get the FQDN, open a command-prompt window and enter:

  • Windows®

    net config workstation | findstr /C:"Full Computer name"
  • Linux®

    hostname --fqdn


MAC address that you provided to activate the Polyspace Access license. This MAC address must match the host ID listed for Polyspace Access in the license file. HostID must also match a MAC address on the machine where you run the license manager.


Path to the MLM binary (vendor daemon). You can find this binary in LM_Folder\etc\win64 (Windows) or LM_Folder/etc/glnx64 (Linux), where LM_Folder is the folder where you installed the license manager.


Path to the options file that you created in step 1.

By default:

  • The license manager daemon starts on port 27000. To use a different port, specify a different port number at the end of the SERVER line.

  • If you do not specify a port on the DAEMON MLM line, the vendor daemon (MLM) starts on a random port chosen by your system. To specify a different port, add port=portNumber at the end of the DAEMON MLM line. For example, to start the vendor daemon on port 27100, add port=27100.

Specify custom ports for the license manager and vendor daemons if, for instance, you run the license manager through a firewall and you want to use ports that are open in the firewall.

If you used the MATLAB® installer to install the license manager, the file license.dat already exists in the folder matlabroot/etc and the file already includes the SERVER and DAEMON lines. You might have to add the options=pathTo_MLM.opt instruction on the DAEMON line of license.dat. matlabroot is your MATLAB installation folder. Append the content of your Polyspace Access license to the license.dat file and go to step 3.

Step 3: Configure Client License

Copy the SERVER line from the license.dat file and paste it in a new file in a text editor. Add USE_SERVER below the SERVER line.

SERVER lmHostname HostID 27000
Save this file as network.lic in a location that is accessible from the machine where you installed Polyspace Access or Polyspace as You Code. This location can be on a different machine from the one where you installed the license manager.

  • For the Polyspace Access web server, specify the path to this file for the License file: field of the Polyspace Access Web Server settings in the Cluster Admin web interface. See Configure Polyspace Access App Services.

    Check that the docker engine can resolve the hostname lmHostname. In a command-prompt window, enter:

    docker run --rm -it alpine ping lmHostname
    If the docker engine cannot resolve this hostname, in network.lic, replace lmHostname with the IP address of the machine where you installed the license manager.

  • For Polyspace as You Code, specify the path to network.lic when the installer prompts you to provide a license file path. See Install Polyspace as You Code Using Installer.

Step 4: Start License Manager

In a command-prompt window, navigate to the folder where you installed the license manager and start the license manager.


cd LM_Folder\etc\win64
lmgrd.exe -c pathToLicense -l lm_log.log

On Windows, you can also use lmtool.exe and go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab to start the license manager.

cd LM_Folder/etc/glnx64
./lmgrd -c pathToLicense -l lm_log.log

LM_Folder is the folder where you installed the license manager.

pathToLicense is the path to the license.dat file that you saved on the machine where you installed the license manager. The command starts the license manager and outputs a log file lm_log.log. Refer to this log file for debugging purposes.


The license file path listed in the log and error messages of the license manager might not correspond to pathToLicense. The Polyspace Access Web Server service remaps pathToLicense to an internal path inside the docker container.

Step 5: Configure License Manager to Start at Boot Time

After you start the license manager, check that the license manager is configured to automatically start at boot time.


Use lmtool.exe and go to the Config Services tab, then check that Start Server at Power Up and Use Services are selected.


Refer to the documentation for your Linux distribution to configure the license manager to start automatically at boot time, for instance by adding a script to the /etc/inti.d folder.

Configure the license manager to start at the end of the boot sequence.

Install License Manager

The license manager is shipped with the Polyspace Access software. The license manager binaries and utilities are located in accessRoot/lm. accessROOT is the folder where you extracted your Polyspace Access installation image.

To run the license manager on a separate server from the server where you run Polyspace Access, copy the folder that corresponds to your platform from accessRoot/lm, for instance accessRoot/lm/glnxa64, to that server.

You can also download the license manager from License Manager Download.

The license manager folder includes these binaries:

  • lmgrd: Core license manager binary. Use this binary to start the license manager from the command line. For a list of useful commands, enter lmgrd -h.

  • mlm: The MATLAB vendor daemon.

  • lmutil: a suite of tools for administering the license manager at the command line. For a list of useful commands, enter lmutil -h.

  • lmtools.exe (Windows only): Graphical user interface for administering the license manager.

  • For Linux systems, the license manager folder also includes command-line utilities. See Using Command-Line Utilities.

To avoid any potential issues with license file operation, make sure that you run the latest license manager software version. To view the latest license manager software version available, see the FlexNet® Version on this page.

To check your current license manager software version, at the command line, depending on your operating system, enter the commands listed in this table.


cd LM_Folder\etc\win64
lmgrd.exe -v 

cd LM_Folder/etc/glnx64
./lmgrd -v 

LM_Folder is the folder where you installed the license manager. See also Update Network License Manager Software.

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