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Contact Technical Support About Polyspace Access Issues

This topic describes what MathWorks® Technical Support might need to troubleshoot Polyspace® Access™ installation issues. For similar information about issues encountered when running Polyspace, see Contact Technical Support About Polyspace Access Issues.

If you need support from MathWorks for Polyspace Access issues, go to this page and create a service request. You need a MathWorks login and password to create a service request.

Before you contact MathWorks, gather this information.

  • Operating system

    To see information about the operating system of the machine where you install Polyspace access, at the command line, enter:

    Windows®systeminfo | findstr /C:OS
    Linux®uname -a

  • Polyspace Access version

    Log into Polyspace Access, then at the top of the window click > About Polyspace. If Polyspace Access is not yet installed or you cannot log into Polyspace Access, at the command line, navigate to the folder where you unzipped the Polyspace Access installation image, and enter:

    Windowstype VERSION
    Linuxcat VERSION

  • License number

    Log into Polyspace Access, then at the top of the window click > About Polyspace. If Polyspace Access is not yet installed or you cannot log into Polyspace Access, contact your license administrator to obtain your license number.

  • Polyspace Access service logs

    To generate logs for the different Polyspace Access services, at the command line, enter:

    docker logs -t polyspace-access-web-server-0-main >> access-web-server.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t polyspace-access-etl-0-main >> access-etl.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t polyspace-access-db-0-main >> access-db.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t polyspace-access-download-0-main >> download-service.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t issuetracker-server-0-main >> issuetracker-server.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t issuetracker-ui-0-main >> issuetracker-ui.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t usermanager-server-0-main >> usermanager-server.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t admin >> admin.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t gateway >> gateway.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t usermanager-ui-0-main >> usermanager-ui.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t usermanager-db-0-main >> usermanager-db.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t polyspace-access >> polyspace-access.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t issuetracker >> issuetracker.log 2>&1
    docker logs -t usermanager>> usermanager.log 2>&1
    Attach the log files to your service request. The commands to generate these logs are the same for Windows and Linux.


    If you run Polyspace Access version R2021b or earlier, the docker container names might be different. To view the names of currently running containers, use command docker ps --format '{{.Names}}'.

  • Polyspace Access web interface log

    To generate a log for the Polyspace Access web interface, log into Polyspace Access. In the left pane, click SUPPORT REPORT then Get support info. Attach the generated supportreport file to your service request.

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