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Generate Report and Variables List from Polyspace Access


To generate reports of results on Polyspace® Access™ at the command line, you must have a Polyspace Bug Finder™ Server™ or Polyspace Code Prover™ Server installation.

Suppose that you want to generate a report and export the variables list from the results of a Code Prover analysis that you can view in a Polyspace Access project.

To connect to Polyspace Access, provide a host name and your login credentials including your encrypted password. To encrypt your password, use the polyspace-access command and enter your user name and password at the prompt.

polyspace-access -encrypt-password 
login: jsmith
Command Completed

Store the login and encrypted password in a credentials file and restrict read and write permission on this file. Open a text editor, copy these two lines in the editor, then save the file as myCredentials.txt for example.

 -login jsmith
To restrict the file permissions, right-click the file and select the Permissions tab on Linux® or the Security tab on Windows®.

To select a project to summarize in Polyspace Access, specify the run ID of the project. To obtain a list of projects with their latest run IDs, use the command polyspace-access with option -list-project.

polyspace-access -host myAccessServer -credentials-file myCredentials.txt -list-project
Connecting to https://myAccessServer:9443
Connecting as jsmith
Get project list with the last Run Id
Restricted/Code_Prover_Example (Code Prover) RUN_ID 14
public/Bug_Finder_Example (Bug Finder) RUN_ID 24
public/CP/Code_Prover_Example (Polyspace Code Prover) RUN_ID 16
public/Polyspace (Code Prover) RUN_ID 28
Command Completed
For more information on this command, see polyspace-access.

Generate a Developer report for results with run ID 16 from the Polyspace Access instance with host name myAccessServer. The URL of this instance of Polyspace Access is https://myAccessServer:9443.

SET template_path=^
"C:\Program Files\Polyspace\R2019a\toolbox\polyspace\psrptgen\templates"

polyspace-report-generator -credentials-file myCredentials.txt ^
-template %template_path%\Developer.rpt ^
-host myAccessServer ^
-run-id 16 ^
-output-name myReport
The command creates report myReport.docx by using the template that you specify. The report is stored in folder Polyspace-Doc on the path from which you called the command.

Generate a tab-delimited text file that contains a list of global variables in your code for the specified analysis results.

polyspace-report-generator -credentials-file myCredentials.txt^
-generate-variable-access-file ^
-host myAccessServer ^
-run-id 16
The list of global variables Variable_View.txt is stored in the same folder as the generated report. For more information on the exported variables list, see View Exported Variable List (Polyspace Code Prover).

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