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Store information for converting time-domain feature vectors to scalar values

Since R2024b


    Use a timeScalarFeatureOptions object to store methods to convert time-domain feature vectors to scalars. You can use the resulting timeScalarFeatureOptions object to set the ScalarizationMethod property of a signalTimeFeatureExtractor object.



    opts = timeScalarFeatureOptions creates an object opts that stores the scalarization methods with default values (empty string arrays) for all signal features in time domain.


    opts = timeScalarFeatureOptions(Name=Value) specifies scalarization methods for each time-domain signal feature using name-value arguments. You can specify multiple name-value arguments. For example, timeScalarFeatureOptions(PeakValue=["Mean" "Kurtosis"],All="Skewness") specifies "Mean" and "Kurtosis" as scalarization methods for the peak value feature, and "Skewness" as the scalarization method for all the time-domain features. For more information about scalarization methods, see Scalarization Methods for Domain-Specific Signal Features.


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    Scalarization methods for the peak value feature, specified as a string array or as a cell array of character vectors.

    Each element of the array corresponds to a scalarization method that you apply on the feature, if enabled. Enable signal features for extraction when creating the signalTimeFeatureExtractor object.

    If you specify this feature, the feature extractor object:

    1. Associates with the feature any scalarization methods you have specified for it.

    2. Appends any scalarization methods you have specified using the All name-value argument.

    Example: PeakValue = ["Mean" "Skewness"] sets the option to extract the mean and the skewness of the peak value feature vector.

    Data Types: cell | string

    Scalarization methods for all the signal features, specified as a string array or as a cell array of character vectors.

    Each element of the array corresponds to a scalarization method that you apply on all the enabled features. Enable signal features for extraction when creating the feature extractor object.

    If you specify All, the feature extractor object:

    • Associates the scalarization methods you have specified with all enabled features.

    • Appends them to the list of methods already specified for each particular feature.

    Example: All = ["Mean" "PeakValue"] sets the option to extract the mean and the peak value of all the feature vectors.

    Data Types: cell | string


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    Create a timeScalarFeatureOptions object with default values.

    opts = timeScalarFeatureOptions
    opts = 
      timeScalarFeatureOptions with properties:
        PeakValue: [0x0 string]
              All: [0x0 string]

    Add scalarization methods for the peak value time-domain feature:

    opts.PeakValue = ["Mean" "Kurtosis"];

    Display the list of scalarization methods for all the time-domain features.

    opts = 
      timeScalarFeatureOptions with properties:
        PeakValue: ["Mean"    "Kurtosis"]
              All: [0x0 string]

    Create and use a timeScalarFeatureOptions object to set the ScalarizationMethod property in a signalTimeFeatureExtractor object.

    Specify the standard deviation and the kurtosis as scalar features for the peak value time-domain feature. Store this information in a timeScalarFeatureOptions object.

    opts  = timeScalarFeatureOptions( ...
        PeakValue=["StandardDeviation" "Kurtosis"]);

    Create a signalTimeFeatureExtractor object to extract the root mean square and peak value with its corresponding scalar values. Display the ScalarizationMethod property of the feature extractor object.

    tFE = signalTimeFeatureExtractor( ...
        RMS=true,PeakValue=true, ...
      timeScalarFeatureOptions with properties:
        PeakValue: ["StandardDeviation"    "Kurtosis"]
              All: [0x0 string]

    Set scalarization methods to convert time-domain feature vectors to scalar values.

    Specify "Mean" and "StandardDeviation" as scalarization methods for the peak value feature. Specify "Kurtosis" as the scalarization method for all the enabled signal features. Store this information in a timeScalarFeatureOptions object.

    opts = timeScalarFeatureOptions( ...
        PeakValue=["Mean" "StandardDeviation"],All="Kurtosis")
    opts = 
      timeScalarFeatureOptions with properties:
        PeakValue: ["Mean"    "StandardDeviation"]
              All: "Kurtosis"

    Create a signalTimeFeatureExtractor object to extract the signal-to-noise ratio, peak value, and total harmonic distortion features. Use opts to set the scalarization method property of the feature extractor object.

    sFE = signalTimeFeatureExtractor( ...
        SNR=true,PeakValue=true,THD=true, ...
    sFE = 
      signalTimeFeatureExtractor with properties:
                  FrameSize: []
                  FrameRate: []
                 SampleRate: []
        IncompleteFrameRule: "drop"
              FeatureFormat: "matrix"
       Enabled Features
         SNR, THD, PeakValue
       Disabled Features
         Mean, RMS, StandardDeviation, ShapeFactor, SINAD, CrestFactor
         ClearanceFactor, ImpulseFactor

    Extract vectors and scalar features from a signal. Observe the list of extracted features.

    Fs = 1000;
    a = [1 1 0.1 0.03];
    f = 60*[1 3 5 7];
    t = (0:1/Fs:1)';
    x = cos(2*pi*f.*t)*a';
    [features,indices] = extract(sFE,x)
    features = 1×6
       30.4576    0.0432    2.1300    2.1300         0       NaN
    indices = struct with fields:
                               SNR: 1
                               THD: 2
                         PeakValue: 3
                     PeakValueMean: 4
        PeakValueStandardDeviation: 5
                 PeakValueKurtosis: 6

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    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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