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Discrete State-Space

Implement discrete state-space system

  • Discrete State-Space block

Simulink / Discrete
Simulink / Quick Insert / Discrete
HDL Coder / RCP and HIL


Block Behavior for Non-Empty Matrices

The Discrete State-Space block implements the system described by


where u is the input, x is the state, and y is the output. The matrix coefficients must have these characteristics, as illustrated in the following diagram:

  • A must be an n-by-n matrix, where n is the number of states.

  • B must be an n-by-m matrix, where m is the number of inputs.

  • C must be an r-by-n matrix, where r is the number of outputs.

  • D must be an r-by-m matrix.

The block accepts one input and generates one output. The width of the input vector is the number of columns in the B and D matrices. The width of the output vector is the number of rows in the C and D matrices. To define the initial state vector, use the Initial conditions parameter.

To specify a vector or matrix of zeros for A, B, C, D, or Initial conditions, use the zeros function.

Block Behavior for Empty Matrices

When the matrices A, B, and C are empty (for example, []), the functionality of the block becomes y(n) = Du(n). If the Initial conditions vector is also empty, the block uses an initial state vector of zeros.




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Input vector, where the width equals the number of columns in the B and D matrices. For more information, see Description.


For integer and fixed-point input signals, use the Fixed-Point State-Space block.

Data Types: single | double


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Output vector, with width equal to the number of rows in the C and D matrices. For more information, see Description.

Data Types: single | double


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Specify the matrix coefficient A, as a real-valued n-by-n matrix, where n is the number of states. For more information on the matrix coefficients, see Description.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: A
Type: character vector
Values: scalar | vector | matrix
Default: '1'

Specify the matrix coefficient B, as a real-valued n-by-m matrix, where n is the number of states, and m is the number of inputs. For more information on the matrix coefficients, see Description.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: B
Type: character vector
Values: scalar | vector | matrix
Default: '1'

Specify the matrix coefficient C, as a real-valued r-by-n matrix, where r is the number of outputs, and n is the number of states. For more information on the matrix coefficients, see Description.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: C
Type: character vector
Values: scalar | vector | matrix
Default: '1'

Specify the matrix coefficient D, as a real-valued r-by-m matrix, where r is the number of outputs, and m is the number of inputs. For more information on the matrix coefficients, see Description.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: D
Type: character vector
Values: scalar | vector | matrix
Default: '1'

Specify the initial state vector as a scalar or vector. The initial state vector cannot include inf or NaN values.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: InitialCondition
Type: character vector
Values: scalar | vector
Default: '0'

Specify the time interval between samples. See Specify Sample Time.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: SampleTime
Type: character vector
Values: scalar | vector
Default: '-1'

State Attributes

Use this parameter to assign a unique name to the block state. The default is ' '. When this field is blank, no name is assigned. When using this parameter, remember these considerations:

  • A valid identifier starts with an alphabetic or underscore character, followed by alphanumeric or underscore characters.

  • The state name applies only to the selected block.

This parameter enables State name must resolve to Simulink signal object when you click Apply.

For more information, see C Data Code Interface Configuration for Model Interface Elements (Simulink Coder).

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: StateName
Type: character vector
Values: unique name
Default: ''

Select this check box to require that the state name resolves to a Simulink® signal object.


To enable this parameter, specify a value for State name. This parameter appears only if you set the model configuration parameter Signal resolution to a value other than None.

Programmatic Use

Block Parameter: StateMustResolveToSignalObject
Type: character vector
Values: 'off' | 'on'
Default: 'off'

Block Characteristics

Data Types

double | single

Direct Feedthrough


Multidimensional Signals


Variable-Size Signals


Zero-Crossing Detection


Extended Capabilities

PLC Code Generation
Generate Structured Text code using Simulink® PLC Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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