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State Explorer

View and analyze continuous state and continuous state derivative values in profiling simulations run using Solver Profiler


Use the State Explorer to analyze the dynamics of states and state derivatives in your model.

The State Explorer shows information about continuous states captured by profiling a simulation of the model BouncingBallWithSwitch using the Solver Profiler.

Open the State Explorer

  1. Open the Solver Profiler. In the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Debug tab, click the Performance button arrow and select Solver Profiler.

    On the Debug tab, the Performance list is expanded with the pointer paused on the Solver Profiler option.

  2. In the Solver Profiler, select Continuous States and click Run to run a profiling simulation that saves data about continuous states.

  3. After the profiling simulation completes, in the Solver Profiler, in the Explore section, select State.


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Open the example, which contains a model named BouncingBallWithSwitch.

The model BouncingBallWithSwitch.

Open the Solver Profiler. In the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Debug tab, in the Performance section, click the Performance button arrow and select Solver Profiler.

On the Debug tab, the Performance list is expanded with the pointer paused on the Solver Profiler option.

Configure the Solver Profiler to save data about continuous states. In the Solver Profiler, in the Configure section, select Continuous States. Then, to run the profiling simulation, click Run.

After the profiling simulation completes, open the State Explorer. In the Solver Profiler, in the Explore section, click State. The State Explorer shows a list of the states in the model on the left and plots that show the value and the derivative value of the selected state over the course of the profiling simulation.

The State Explorer displays state and state derivative data from the profiling simulation run using the Solver Profiler.

In the State Explorer, in the Filter section, select Newton/DAE Exception. The Solver Profiler annotates the plots with red dots on each simulation time at which a Newton exception occurred. The Newton exceptions happen more frequently as the ball approaches rest.

The state and state derivative plots in the State Explorer are annotated with red dots to indicate Newton exceptions.

To investigate the frequency of Newton exceptions as the ball approaches rest, zoom the plots to view the state and derivative values between approximately 5 and 5.5 seconds. In the View section, select Zoom In. Then, click and hold while selecting the region of the plot to view.

The plots in the State Explorer zoomed to show the state and state derivative values between approximately 5.2 and 5.5 seconds.

Each bounce of the ball causes two Newton iterations to switch from positive to negative, corresponding to two zero-crossing events. The ball comes to rest between 5.45 and 5.5 seconds, with a single, last Newton exception.


  • When you want to analyze and improve simulation performance, consider starting the analysis by analyzing your model and simulation configuration using the Performance Advisor.

  • After analyzing the model and simulation configuration using the Performance Advisor, you can perform deeper analysis by profiling simulations using the Solver Profiler and the Simulink Profiler.

    • The Solver Profiler analyzes the performance of the selected solver for the model and can be particularly helpful for analyzing the performance of simulations that use variable-step solvers. The profiling results help you identify when and why the step size is limited.

    • The Simulink Profiler helps you identify bottlenecks for simulation performance by analyzing the distribution of simulation execution time among model components.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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