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List all kinematic variables associated with joint velocities

Since R2020a


jointVelocityVariables(ks) outputs a table showing all kinematic variables corresponding to joint velocities. Each row of the table shows ID, type of joint, path from the root, and unit for the numerical value of a joint velocity variable. Use this function to identify the IDs of velocity-based variables that you want to assign as targets, initial guesses, and outputs using the addTargetVariables, addInitialGuessVariables, and addOutputVariables object functions, respectively.

The IDs of velocity-based variables have the form: jointName.primitiveType.primitiveComponent. The jointName string is based on the index of the joint block associated with the variable. The primitiveType string corresponds to the primitive associated with the variable (Px, Py, or Pz for prismatic; Rx, Ry, or Rz for revolute; S for spherical; CV for constant velocity; LSz for lead screw). The primitiveComponent string identifies a particular scalar value associated with the primitive (v for linear velocity of a prismatic primitive; w for angular velocity of a revolute primitive; w_x, w_y and w_z for the angular velocity components of a spherical primitive; w_a and w_b for the azimuth and bend velocities of a CV primitive; w for angular velocity of a lead screw primitive).

Input Arguments

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Kinematics solver object, specified as a KinematicsSolver object that is the representation of the Simscape™ Multibody™ model used for kinematic analysis.

Example: ks = simscape.multibody.KinematicsSolver("DoublePendulumExample​'​')

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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