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Subset of data from MDF datastore


data = preview(mdfds) returns a subset of data from MDF datastore mdfds without changing the current position in the datastore.



collapse all

mdfds = mdfDatastore("C:\myMDFData\CANape.MF4");
data = preview(mdfds)
data2 =

  10×74 timetable

         Time         Counter_B4    Counter_B5    Counter_B6    Counter_B7    PWM
    ______________    __________    __________    __________    __________    ___

    0.00082554 sec    0             0             1             0             100
      0.010826 sec    0             0             1             0             100
      0.020826 sec    0             0             1             0             100
      0.030826 sec    0             0             1             0             100
      0.040826 sec    0             0             1             0             100
      0.050826 sec    0             0             1             0             100
      0.060826 sec    0             0             1             0             100
      0.070826 sec    0             0             1             0             100

Input Arguments

collapse all

MDF datastore, specified as an MDF datastore object.

Example: mdfds = mdfDatastore("CANape.MF4")

Output Arguments

collapse all

Subset of data, returned as a timetable of MDF records.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

See Also


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