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Get Started with CDFX Files

This example shows how to import a calibration data file into MATLAB®, examine and modify its contents, and export the changes back to a file on disk.

Import a CDFX File

Import data from a CDFX file using the cdfx function.

cdfxObj = cdfx("CDFXExampleFile.cdfx")
cdfxObj = 
  CDFX with properties:

       Name: "CDFXExampleFile.cdfx"
       Path: "/tmp/Bdoc24b_2855429_3411377/tpba456d33/vnt-ex38787800/CDFXExampleFile.cdfx"
    Version: "CDF20"

Visualize Calibration Data

CDFX files contain information about vehicle ECUs (systems), and their parameters (instances). Use instanceList and systemList to visualize the calibration data in table form. These functions also allow filtering based on instance or system short names.

iList = instanceList(cdfxObj)
iList=4×6 table
             ShortName                  System          Category           Value           Units     FeatureReference 
    ____________________________    _______________    __________    _________________    _______    _________________

    "ASAM.C.SCALAR.GAIN"            "ExampleSystem"    "VALUE"       {[            3]}    "gain"     "FunctionScalar" 
    "ASAM.C.SCALAR.BITMASK_0001"    "ExampleSystem"    "BOOLEAN"     {[            1]}    ""         "FunctionScalar" 
    "ASAM.C.MAP"                    "ExampleSystem"    "MAP"         {1x1 struct     }    ""         "Sample_Model_13"
    "ASAM.C.COM_AXIS"               "ExampleSystem"    "COM_AXIS"    {[-9 -8 -5 -3 0]}    "hours"    ""               

If you want to filter the table based on a desired short name, pass a string as a second argument.

iListArray = instanceList(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.SCALAR")
iListArray=2×6 table
             ShortName                  System         Category     Value    Units     FeatureReference
    ____________________________    _______________    _________    _____    ______    ________________

    "ASAM.C.SCALAR.GAIN"            "ExampleSystem"    "VALUE"      {[3]}    "gain"    "FunctionScalar"
    "ASAM.C.SCALAR.BITMASK_0001"    "ExampleSystem"    "BOOLEAN"    {[1]}    ""        "FunctionScalar"

The default querying behavior returns a table for all instances whose short names partially match the search string. To filter for an exact instance name match, use the ExactMatch name-value pair.

iListArrayExact = instanceList(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.SCALAR.BITMASK_0001", "ExampleSystem", "ExactMatch", true)
iListArrayExact=1×6 table
             ShortName                  System         Category     Value    Units    FeatureReference
    ____________________________    _______________    _________    _____    _____    ________________

    "ASAM.C.SCALAR.BITMASK_0001"    "ExampleSystem"    "BOOLEAN"    {[1]}     ""      "FunctionScalar"

For CDFX files that contain calibration data for more than one ECU system, systemList can be useful to view the contents of each system at a high level.

sList = systemList(cdfxObj)
sList=1×3 table
       ShortName                                                 Instances                                              Metadata
    _______________    _____________________________________________________________________________________________    ________

    "ExampleSystem"    {["ASAM.C.SCALAR.GAIN"    "ASAM.C.SCALAR.BITMASK_0001"    "ASAM.C.MAP"    "ASAM.C.COM_AXIS"]}    "NO_VCD"

Examine and Modify Simple Calibration Parameters

Use getValue to extract the value of an instance from the CDFX object. Use setValue to modify the value of the instance.

iValueScalar = getValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.SCALAR.GAIN")
iValueScalar = 
iValueScalarNew = iValueScalar + 20;
setValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.SCALAR.GAIN", iValueScalarNew);
iValueScalarNew = getValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.SCALAR.GAIN")
iValueScalarNew = 

Work with More Complex Parameter Types

Certain instance categories contain more than just a physical value. These instances are often multidimensional arrays that are scaled according to an axis. Calling getValue on these instances returns a structure that contains each axis as a separate field, distinct from PhysicalValue.

To inspect the CUBOID instance, first call getValue, then examine the properties of the returned structure. Notice that there is additional data associated with each axis, including the type of axis, its physical values, and whether the axis values are referenced from another instance of the CDFX object.

iValueMap = getValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.MAP")
iValueMap = struct with fields:
    PhysicalValue: [5x5 double]
            Axis1: [1x1 struct]
            Axis2: [1x1 struct]

     2    15    27    40    55
     5    17    30    42    57
     7    20    32    47    60
    10    22    35    50    62
    12    25    37    52    65
    ReferenceName: ""
         Category: "STD_AXIS"
    PhysicalValue: [0 63 126 189 252]
     IsReferenced: 0
    ReferenceName: "ASAM.C.COM_AXIS"
         Category: "COM_AXIS"
    PhysicalValue: [-9 -8 -5 -3 0]
     IsReferenced: 1

You can also visualize the instance values using MATLAB plotting functions. For multidimensional arrays, use the physical values of the axes structures to define the axes on the plot.

surf("ZDataSource", "iValueMap.PhysicalValue", "XDataSource", "iValueMap.Axis1.PhysicalValue", "YDataSource", "iValueMap.Axis2.PhysicalValue")

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type surface.

Modifying the physical value of this instance works the same as for scalars. Update the physical value field of the structure and pass it back to setValue.

iValueMap.PhysicalValue(:, 1) = iValueMap.PhysicalValue(:, 1)*2;
setValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.MAP", iValueMap);

Now you can observe that the changes have been committed to the CDFX object in the workspace.

iValueMapNew = getValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.MAP")
iValueMapNew = struct with fields:
    PhysicalValue: [5x5 double]
            Axis1: [1x1 struct]
            Axis2: [1x1 struct]

     4    15    27    40    55
    10    17    30    42    57
    14    20    32    47    60
    20    22    35    50    62
    24    25    37    52    65

To modify the axis values of this instance, you first need to know if the axis you want to modify is referenced or not. This can be determined by examining the IsReferenced field of each axis structure. If the axis is not referenced, simply modify the PhysicalValue field of the axis structure and pass the top-level structure back to setValue.

     0    63   126   189   252
iValueMapNew.Axis1.PhysicalValue = iValueMapNew.Axis1.PhysicalValue*10;
setValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.MAP", iValueMapNew);
iValueMapNewAxis = getValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.MAP");
           0         630        1260        1890        2520

However, some axes are not defined on the instance itself, and are instead referenced from another instance. There are specific instance categories for representing referenced axis values (COM_AXIS, RES_AXIS, and CURVE_AXIS). Attempting to modify a referenced axis from a referencing instance results in an error. The solution is to update the values directly on the axis instance itself. Information on whether an axis is using referenced values, including the short name of the instance being referenced can be found on the axis fields of the top-level structure.

iValueCommonAxis = getValue(cdfxObj, iValueMapNewAxis.Axis2.ReferenceName)
iValueCommonAxis = 1×5

    -9    -8    -5    -3     0

iValueCommonAxis(:) = 1:5;
setValue(cdfxObj, iValueMapNewAxis.Axis2.ReferenceName, iValueCommonAxis);

Now that you have modified the original instance, the changes are reflected in the referencing instance.

iValueMapNew = getValue(cdfxObj, "ASAM.C.MAP")
iValueMapNew = struct with fields:
    PhysicalValue: [5x5 double]
            Axis1: [1x1 struct]
            Axis2: [1x1 struct]

ans = 1×5

     1     2     3     4     5

Export Calibration Data to a File

Using the CDFX write function, you can write back to the same file or to a new file by specifying a filepath.

write(cdfxObj, "NewExampleFile.cdfx");
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