Where does output data go?

7 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Melissa el 24 de Jun. de 2011
Good Afternoon, I was wondering if its possible to obtain a text file of given data made by a program. Say for instance I make a surface and just want the points created by that surface in a text or some kind of output file. Is it possible to obtain this or is it purely virtual? Thanks, Mel

Respuestas (2)

Jan el 24 de Jun. de 2011
You can get the XData, YData and ZData from a plotted surface:
C = get(gca, 'Children');
XData = get(C, 'XData');
YData = get(C, 'YData');
ZData = get(C, 'ZData');
And finally these values can be saved also.
  1 comentario
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva el 24 de Jun. de 2011
I thought about that solution but you lose other important properties of the plot.

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Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva el 24 de Jun. de 2011
Maybe saving the figure with hgsave is what you want
Load it later with hgload


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