How to create a cosine filter ?

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Nasser  Dav
Nasser Dav el 13 de Nov. de 2013
Comentada: Yingyu el 27 de En. de 2014
i treid to use this code
Nsym = 6; % Filter span in symbol durations
beta = 0.5; % Roll-off factor
sampsPerSym = 8; % Upsampling factor
rcosFlt = comm.RaisedCosineTransmitFilter(...
'Shape', 'Normal', ...
'RolloffFactor', beta, ...
'FilterSpanInSymbols', Nsym, ...
'OutputSamplesPerSymbol', sampsPerSym)
% Visualize the impulse response
fvtool(rcosFlt, 'Analysis', 'impulse')
but the matlab result is
??? Undefined variable "comm" or class
I hope that my question is clear ,thanks :) >>

Respuesta aceptada

Wayne King
Wayne King el 13 de Nov. de 2013
Do you have the Communication System Toolbox installed?
That functionality ships with that toolbox.
The Signal Processing Toolbox has functions for raised cosine filtering: rcosdesign()
  1 comentario
Nasser  Dav
Nasser Dav el 13 de Nov. de 2013
no, can i download it from the web ?

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Más respuestas (1)

Ken el 10 de En. de 2014
I have a similar problem. Can someone tell us how to fix this. I have othe comm. functions in my package. More so, I have this RaisedCosine filter in my Simulink package, and it works perfectly.
  1 comentario
Yingyu el 27 de En. de 2014
Exactly, I also have the same problem. I have used >>ver to double confirm that I have the Signal Processing Toolbox. However when I typed the commands like what Nasser Dav did, I received the same error. =(

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