I have a question about plot. Plesase help me.

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Nguyen Trong Nhan
Nguyen Trong Nhan el 20 de Dic. de 2013
Comentada: Nguyen Trong Nhan el 20 de Dic. de 2013
I want to draw a line x = a perpendicular to the x axis in matlab. How do I do ? (with a = constant) value y from 3 to 5.

Respuesta aceptada

Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek el 20 de Dic. de 2013
Editada: Azzi Abdelmalek el 20 de Dic. de 2013
hold on;
plot([a a],s)
  2 comentarios
Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek el 20 de Dic. de 2013
For your case
hold on;
plot([a a],[3 5])
Nguyen Trong Nhan
Nguyen Trong Nhan el 20 de Dic. de 2013
thank you very much

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Más respuestas (1)

Geert el 20 de Dic. de 2013
Editada: Geert el 20 de Dic. de 2013
% define your constant:
a = 5;
% define y limits
ymin = -10;
ymax = 10;
% define x and y values
x = a*ones(2,1);
y = linspace(ymin,ymax,length(x));
% plot the result
title('plot of x = a')
  3 comentarios
Geert el 20 de Dic. de 2013
Corrected it...
Nguyen Trong Nhan
Nguyen Trong Nhan el 20 de Dic. de 2013
thanks very much

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