You can useblock.CurrentTime to get the current time in the S-function. You can use a DWork to store the current time at each step and use it in the next step to compute the difference.
Typemsfcndemo_sfundsc2 at your MATLAB prompt to see an example S-function that uses a DWork to store the previous input value. You will need two Dworks, one for the input and one for current-time.
Hello....Thank you for letting me know. I tried to write the s function though its running but I guess something is wrong in time,not sure though. Can you have a look and let me know whether I did it in the right manner or not.
function msfcn_equation_trans(block)
function setup(block)
block.NumDialogPrms = 2;
%%Register number of input and output ports
block.NumInputPorts = 1;
block.NumOutputPorts = 1;
%%Setup functional port properties to dynamically
block.InputPort(1).DirectFeedthrough = false;
%block.InputPort(2).DirectFeedthrough = false;
%%Set block sample time to inherited
block.SampleTimes = [-1 0];
%%Set the block simStateCompliance to default (i.e., same as a built-in block)
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