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can anybody help in understanding fopen and fread?

7 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
subha el 20 de Jun. de 2014
Comentada: subha el 30 de Jun. de 2014
As per my understanding, fopen open the file in a mode which we want. For example, if we say r,then it opens in read mode. fread, read the open file and returns the no of elements.
Based on above line, i tried below code.
f= fopen('train-images-idx3-ubyte', 'r')
f =
Here what 56 represents? I understand it is file identifier. How it is generated?
[a, count]= fread(f,4,'int 32')
a =
1.0e+09 *
count =
Could anybody help me to understand the above result.

Respuesta aceptada

Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 20 de Jun. de 2014
f is some identification number of the file. Don't worry about what it's actual value is or how it's generated - it doesn't matter (as long as it's not -1 which indicates an error). It's simply used to tell fread() or fprintf() what file to talk to.
The fread line read four 4-byte integers from the binary file. You store them into variable "a". It should be 'int32' rather than 'int 32' though.
  11 comentarios
subha el 30 de Jun. de 2014
Thanks a lot. it really helps me..

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Más respuestas (1)

Marta Salas
Marta Salas el 20 de Jun. de 2014
The file identifier is a integer greater than 3. Identifier -1 means fopen can not open the file, and MATLAB reserves file identifiers 0, 1, and 2 for standard input, standard output (the screen), and standard error, respectively.
[a, count]= fread(f,4,'int 32')
This line is reading 4 values in the file f such that the source data is class uint32. Then the 4 values are stored in a and the number of values read from the file is stored in count


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