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How to generate Q4 element mesh in selected area?

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
waqas el 8 de Sept. de 2021
Respondida: darova el 8 de Sept. de 2021
I have a region ( variable 'nmask' in the .MAT file) on which I want to generate a Q4 mesh. In my current implementation, the nodes are not falling perfectly on the boundary of the region. Figure below should explain it further where red markers show the location of the nodes. Following code was used to generate these:
tx = mfc:subset:mlc;
ty = mfr:subset:mlr;
[TX,TY] = meshgrid(tx,ty);
nodeDetails = [(1:size(TX,1)*size(TX,2))', TY(:),TX(:)];
%Connectivity Matrix
c = 0;
conect = zeros((size(TX,1)-1)*(size(TX,2)-1),4);
for j = 0:(size(TX,2)-2)
for i = 1: size(TX,1)-1
c = c + 1;
ii = j*(size(TX,1)) + i;
conect(c,:) = [ii, ii + 1, ii + size(TX,1) + 1, ii + size(TX,1)];
I am only interested in the white region. How can I also discard the other points?

Respuesta aceptada

darova el 8 de Sept. de 2021
What about this?
x = [-10:-8 -7:7 8:10];
y = [-8:-6 -5:5 6:8];
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
i1 = -8<X & X<8 & -6<Y & Y<6; % inside region
i2 = X<0 & abs(Y)<2; % small hole right side
ind = i1 | i2;
Z = X*0;
Z(ind) = nan; % remove inside part
plot(X(:),Y(:),'.r') % whole mesh

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