Put axis label in their respective middle (3D plot)

24 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Francesco Porretta
Francesco Porretta el 30 de Sept. de 2021
Comentada: Kelvin Anoh el 11 de Mayo de 2024
I'm trying to put the axis label in a 3D plot in the middle of the axis, without rotate them.
As example, consider this figure
obtained using this code:
s = 0:0.025:3;
t = s;
[x,y] = meshgrid(s,t);
z = x.^2 - y.^2;
What I want to obtained is something as shown in figure below (look x and y labels).
Is it possible??

Respuesta aceptada

dpb el 30 de Sept. de 2021
Editada: dpb el 30 de Sept. de 2021
hXL=xlabel('time[sec]'); % default label, save handle
hXL.Position=hXL.Position+[0.5 0 0]; % adjust default position
comes reasonably close -- salt to suit and follow the same idea for y.
  1 comentario
Kelvin Anoh
Kelvin Anoh el 11 de Mayo de 2024
You may also wish to rotate the text following @dpb's example:
hXL.Rotation = 15; % where 15 is the angle of rotation in degrees

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