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Converting typical Matrix / TRC RGB profiles to CIE Lab

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Not 100% clear on the documentation?
I want to create a cform that converts from RGB to Lab out of a typical 'Matrix/TRC' profile. So far, I plan to use this code to accomplish this :
P3Prof = iccread('Display P3.icm');
cform_XYZP3 = makecform('mattrc',P3Prof,'Direction','forward') % Output is XYZ
cform_LabP3 = makecform('xyz2lab');
LabP3 = applycform(rgb,cform_LabP3);
Does that make any sense?

Respuesta aceptada

Roger Breton
Roger Breton el 16 de En. de 2022
The above code works just fine :-)
Thank you!

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