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Matrix sum

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Kevin el 26 de Sept. de 2011
I'm dealing with a condition in a while loop that I can't get it right. Here is the example:
Given the initial matrix of P=[2 3 8;1 -3 6;-2 -1 0], calculate the e^P = sum(P^k/k!) which k=[0:N-1]. Now the question is how can I implant the sum in matlab? Also, using a while loop, I want to address each element of matrix to meet a condition (e.g. each element of P bigger than 0.5) how can I do that?

Respuestas (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 26 de Sept. de 2011
eP = zeros(size(P));
for k = 0:N-1
eP = eP + P^k ./ k!;
For your second question, you need to indicate what condition should be used to terminate the "while" loop. Detection of the first element which is not greater than 0.5 ? Detection that you have run out of elements? Which order do you want to visit the elements in, considering that P will be a 2D matrix and thus could be traveled randomly or by rows or by columns or by diagonals or by Knight moves...


Más información sobre Loops and Conditional Statements en Help Center y File Exchange.


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