How to specify Hexadecimal Color Code on a fit line?

52 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Goncalo Costa
Goncalo Costa el 25 de Mzo. de 2022
Respondida: Jan el 5 de Abr. de 2022
I have been able to present a fit line through a scatter plot by writting the following, in a for loop:
t_array: time array
P2P: data array
colour_shape = {'b', 'y' , 'g', 'r'};
for x0 = 1:4
trial2 = colour_shape{x0};
fit_line = fit(t_array, P2P, 'exp2'); %fit function
p(x0) = plot(t_array, P2P, 'o');
hold on
plot(fit_line, trial2)
The colours that MATLAB automatically chose for the scatter plot, p(x0) = plot(t_array, P2P, 'o') , are the default ones and are the ideal. I tried using these same default colour for plotting the fit_line, by substituting the colour_shape cell values by:
colour_shape = {'#0072BD' , '#EDB120' , '#77AC30' , '#A2142F'};
But I get the following statement: "Invalid color or line style."
How can I use these colour for the best-fit line? How can I also increase the thickness of these lines?
  4 comentarios
Stephen23 el 25 de Mzo. de 2022
What do you expect this indexing:
to achieve on a 1x9 character vector?
Goncalo Costa
Goncalo Costa el 25 de Mzo. de 2022
The way I hae written it on my previous comment worked, I had a mistake in the way it was written on MATLAB, but not on the way it was written here, my apologies for that.

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Santosh Fatale
Santosh Fatale el 5 de Abr. de 2022
Hi Goncalo,
I understand that you want to plot datapoints in figure and fit a line using “fit” function from “Curve Fitting Toolbox”. You want to customize the colour of the fitted line using Hex-Code.
The following code snippet gives the desired result.
colour_shape = {'#0072BD', '#EDB120', '#77AC30', '#A2142F'};
for x0 = 1:4
trial2 = colour_shape{x0};
fit_line = fit(t_array, P2P, 'exp2'); %fit function
figHandle = plot(fit_line,t_array, P2P,'o'); % fit_line and datapoints can be plotted using single command.
Note that t_array and P2P must be a column vector or matrix for passing as inputs to the “fit” function. In the above code, figHandle is the handle to the graphics object created using plot function.
>> figHandle
figHandle =
2×1 Line array:
Line (data)
Line (fitted curve)
For more info, refer to the documentation of plot function with Curve Fitting Toolbox.

Más respuestas (1)

Jan el 5 de Abr. de 2022
This is working in modern Matlab versions:
plot(1:10, rand(1, 10), 'Color', '#A2142F')
For older versions:
color = uint8(sscanf('#A2142F', '#%2x%2x%2x'));
plot(1:10, rand(1, 10), 'Color', color);


Más información sobre Scatter Plots en Help Center y File Exchange.




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