Reading a massive file but skipping several lines / rows at a fixed interval

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What is the most efficient way to read / analyze rows 1-1990 of an array, then skip 9 lines, then read rows 2000-3990, skip 9 rows, read rows 4000-5990, and so on to the end of the array? Is there a way to vectorize that?
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L'O.G. el 29 de Mzo. de 2022
Yes, but how? I know how to delete every 4th row, for example, would be A(4:4:end,:) = [] but I don't know how to apply that for my case where I need to skip / delete multiply lines.
Stephen23 el 29 de Mzo. de 2022
Editada: Stephen23 el 29 de Mzo. de 2022
Use a loop. Inside the loop you can easily tell MATLAB which part of the file to read, e.g.:
  • TEXTSCAN lets you specify how many times the format is applied and how many header lines.
  • READTABLE et al let you specify the data location, header location, etc.
What is so special about the rows you wan to ignore: are they intermediate headers or just data you don't want? The answer to that question will change how you can approach this task.

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KSSV el 29 de Mzo. de 2022
Editada: KSSV el 29 de Mzo. de 2022
id = 1:9 ; % line numbers
V = 1990:2000:9990 ; % give the end wisely
idx = id'+V ; % make indices
idx = idx(:) ; % make indices a column
% Let A be your array
A(idx) = [] ; % remove the lines using the indices
  2 comentarios
L'O.G. el 29 de Mzo. de 2022
Thanks. Very nice. One small typo: the last line should be: A(idx,:) = [];
KSSV el 29 de Mzo. de 2022
Yes, if it is an array use A(idx), if it is a matrix, A(idx,:). I have considered it as an array. :)

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Más respuestas (1)

Arif Hoq
Arif Hoq el 29 de Mzo. de 2022
try this loop:
A=(1:9990)'; % making an array
idx=2000; % taken value from 2000
first_index=A(1:1990); % first index value to make the loop simple
for i=2:count


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