Seems like no matlab code has this functionality built in, so I ended up doing it myself. Demo code, assuming you already have a shape within 3d array vol:
%generate points from the volume
[X, Y, Z] = meshgrid(1:size(vol,2), 1:size(vol,1), 1:size(vol,3));
points = [X(:) Y(:) Z(:) vol(:)];
nonzero = points(:,4)>0; %threshold to retain points
filtered = points(nonzero,1:3);
%generate an orientation vector from points
cen = mean(filtered,1);
[~,~,V] = svd((filtered-cen),'econ'); %singular value decomposition, econ for speed
d = V(:,1)'; %the slope vector, ready for input to imrotate3
%demo of line
count =0;
for i=-50:.1:50 %show line
count = count+1;
lin(count,:) = d*i+cen;
close all
hold on
axis equal
function is on the FEX, let me know if it works for anyone else.