How can I set up unequal bin widths in a histogram?

13 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Brielle Paladino
Brielle Paladino el 22 de Jun. de 2022
Respondida: Image Analyst el 22 de Jun. de 2022
I need to generate a histogram with 3 buckets that are all values less than 1, all values between 1 and 8, and all values over 8 on the Y-axis.
Here is what I have so far:
CV = dlmread('F:\Thesis\ProcessedData\Isotope Data\Tritium\CentralValleyTritium.csv',',');
yticks([0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1])
title('Central Valley aquifer system');
ylabel('Frequency (%)');
xlabel('Tritium (T.U.)')

Respuesta aceptada

Michael el 22 de Jun. de 2022
Editada: Michael el 22 de Jun. de 2022
Check out the 'BinEdges' argument.
blah = randi(20,1000,1);
histogram(blah,"Normalization","probability","DisplayStyle","bar","BinEdges",[-Inf 1 8 Inf])

Más respuestas (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 22 de Jun. de 2022
You can define the edges however you want, like
data = -5 + 15* rand(100)
data = 100×100
2.6839 1.0885 0.2166 6.7288 9.9757 4.3848 -1.9736 3.5699 -4.9127 0.3137 8.9846 -0.9516 9.9937 -0.6472 6.0303 7.9143 5.6645 4.6707 0.7100 -2.4481 9.3626 4.1312 2.8955 6.7430 -3.5416 2.0600 -1.2510 -4.6499 5.3527 4.5358 9.7463 3.5891 -0.7346 1.0764 3.8193 0.3459 2.3773 5.6992 6.1882 3.5578 2.8017 -1.9078 1.4050 9.8717 -3.8653 6.8997 -2.7633 1.3472 7.1002 1.0631 -2.3439 7.7454 8.1984 6.8866 9.4258 -4.1720 0.7887 -0.5265 3.5278 -2.9247 -3.0393 9.5589 9.4857 -2.3953 7.0008 -3.0359 -0.3292 0.6567 7.3182 4.0836 2.6623 -4.0521 2.0639 3.8438 9.6554 1.9219 4.6090 5.8031 0.4196 3.6500 2.4549 9.0337 5.5198 7.9783 6.7668 4.5511 3.9563 -2.3751 4.8813 8.1491 0.3914 0.2047 4.0834 -4.4837 4.5208 9.1085 2.7801 3.4557 -3.2172 -0.3747 9.5773 -0.1624 0.1145 5.8870 5.1949 6.3222 3.1751 3.0506 -4.3706 -0.0430 7.5444 -0.3282 6.9952 -2.3318 4.5099 -4.5730 1.8700 -0.6243 4.1856 -0.1883 3.2194 0.8950 0.4606 1.2161 4.3896 9.6811 6.0795 -1.3887 7.8584 1.3511 3.8268 0.9500 1.7420 6.0183 9.0196 -4.8027 7.4267 5.7750 8.8808 2.7630 -3.9576 4.2206 -4.6981 7.7505 5.7921 -2.2016 -1.8446 -1.6631 -0.0446 7.4982 -2.6841 -1.7735 9.2936 7.8665 -1.5848 -2.0338 7.2456 6.7566 0.5880 6.2901 4.5479 4.2186 3.7011 -1.6837 -0.4349 -3.7618 6.2193 -3.6616 -3.4525 3.5226 2.8959 5.1305 -3.3875 9.8767 -2.4049 -1.1753 -1.8575 7.3723 0.7889 -0.8538 -2.7935 -1.1764 -0.2281 3.5841 -0.2219 0.1509 -3.0731 -3.0346 6.1594 1.2892 8.3167 8.5288 0.2179 8.5104 -1.5721 3.2089 -4.7439 -2.5708 0.3501 4.6048 7.1623 -3.8040 8.3821 5.1254 0.4447 -1.4890 -2.9940 5.8479 4.5807 3.0569 3.0895 5.3481 5.4764 -4.9492 -0.7947 6.5363 -2.9396 3.1270 -2.6494 -4.8051 -4.5377 7.7807 5.8562 3.9263 4.3998 0.4817 1.7592 0.9181 3.2542 0.0431 7.2630 2.2494 9.7040 7.8338 -4.4666 -2.1890 2.6193 -3.8943 6.9522 6.3134 -0.6133 8.8259 -1.0423 -4.4328 9.2538 -1.1699 3.8710 -4.3804 -3.4877 5.3002 -2.7956 0.1263 5.9630 6.7865 3.0746 -2.4189 -3.5154 1.7157 8.2477 3.6964 3.3085 5.7705 7.4845 9.4356 2.9944 -2.7716 -3.5858 8.9400 8.3067 1.8149 5.1462 5.3772 8.0653 -3.4847 -4.6762 9.5448 2.5996 -1.9430 -3.3800 5.0932 9.7581 -4.9908 8.1301 4.7823 -4.0592 1.1038 -0.0649 2.9142 2.8607 -1.8858 -0.5647 5.3794 8.2277 1.3505 2.6879 7.4774 0.0424 0.4956 6.8293 -4.2560
edges = [-inf, 0, 0.3, 0.4, 0.99, 8, inf] % or whatever...
edges = 1×7
-Inf 0 0.3000 0.4000 0.9900 8.0000 Inf
histObject = histogram(data, edges)
histObject =
Histogram with properties: Data: [100×100 double] Values: [3358 201 76 408 4600 1357] NumBins: 6 BinEdges: [-Inf 0 0.3000 0.4000 0.9900 8 Inf] BinWidth: 'nonuniform' BinLimits: [-Inf Inf] Normalization: 'count' FaceColor: 'auto' EdgeColor: [0 0 0] Show all properties
grid on;


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