Correlation coefficient calculation error

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Josh el 23 de Jun. de 2022
Comentada: Mathieu NOE el 23 de Jun. de 2022
As I try to find correlation coefficient for the respective variables i.e. 'td' & 'cumulat', in for loop, some error is coming in the process of execution. Please help.
clear;clc;close all
S = load('DQS.mat');
F = fieldnames(S);
for n = 1:numel(F)
F1 = fieldnames(S.(F{n}));
F11{n} = F1;
% allocate the variables
nn = cell(numel(F1),1);
PArea = cell(numel(F1),1);
t_max = cell(numel(F1),1);
for n1 = 1:numel(F1)
t = S.(F{n}).(F1{n1}).cc.t;
t_max{n1} = max(t);
nn{n1} = F1{n1};
output{n1} = cumtrapz(t);
NF = @(p,q) max(output{n1}(t<=q)) - min(output{n1}(t>=p));
PArea{n1} = NF(5, 6);
T_max{n} = t_max;
tt = cell2mat(T_max{1,n}(:,end));
td{n} = tt./max(tt);
cumulat{n} = PArea;
[R{n},P{n}] = corrcoef(td,cumulat); %correlation coeff. calculation
Error using corrcoef
Cannot compute p-values for complex inputs.
  1 comentario
Jonas el 23 de Jun. de 2022
can you please edit your question, format your code as code and press the compile button (green rectangle), this way we can see what is happening

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Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE el 23 de Jun. de 2022
seems to me the code could be made simpler, why the need to make all this cell acrobatics ?
clear;clc;close all
S = load('DQS.mat');
F = fieldnames(S);
for n = 1:numel(F)
F1 = fieldnames(S.(F{n}));
F11{n} = F1;
% allocate the variables
nn = cell(numel(F1),1);
for n1 = 1:numel(F1)
t = S.(F{n}).(F1{n1}).cc.t;
t_max(n1) = max(t);
nn{n1} = F1{n1};
output{n1} = cumtrapz(t);
NF = @(p,q) max(output{n1}(t<=q)) - min(output{n1}(t>=p));
PArea(n1) = NF(5, 6);
td = t_max./max(t_max);
cumulat = PArea;
[R{n},P{n}] = corrcoef(td,cumulat); %correlation coeff. calculation
  8 comentarios
Josh el 23 de Jun. de 2022
Thanks for your kind reconsiderations.It is resolved.
Mathieu NOE
Mathieu NOE el 23 de Jun. de 2022
all the best

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