How to plot an ocean depth profile colormap for a angled coast?

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Meredith Burke
Meredith Burke el 25 de Jun. de 2022
Comentada: Meredith Burke el 4 de Jul. de 2022
I'm trying to plot a colormap depth profile of a section of the ocean that runs along an angle (along the coast of Nova Scotia). I am able to use a single latitude to plot along several longitudes (or vice versa), but I don't know how to use several latitudes/longitudes to plot a section on a 60 degree angle. Basically I can plot profiles with depth on the y axis and lat/long on the x-axis, and then my variable (temperature/oxygen/salinity) as the color, but I can't figure out how to do it on an angle along the coast.
This is the code required to plot a horizontal section at 43.25 degrees latitude:
nt=31; %number of days
varname='oxygen'; % which tracer to plot
name='D:\ModelResults\simulation_20220119\L3_model_results\ControlRun_realistic\ControlRun201808\'; %dataset
lon=ncread(name,'lon_rho',[1 1],[Inf 1]); %longitude
lat=ncread(name,'lat_rho',[1 1],[1 Inf]); %latitude
king1=find(lat>=43.25-1/216&lat<=43.25+1/216); %specific latitude to plot at
topography=depths(name,'E:\oxygen_model_201801_scratch\ROMS_TRUNK\Data\ROMS\Grid\',1,0,1); %grid for depths/topography
for days=1:1:nt
TracerAvg=sum/nt; %find the average
for i=1:1:size(lon)
for j=1:1:dim(3)
pcolor(squeeze(LonP-360),squeeze(TopographyP),squeeze(TracerAvg));shading flat
hold on

Respuestas (1)

MJFcoNaN el 26 de Jun. de 2022
The 2D or 3D interpolation may help.
The method of reading lon and lat suggests your ROMS's grid in a form of "ndgrid", right? Then griddedInterpolant is a good choice. For example:
% in the loop
% target lon, lat, depth
[LonP,LatP,TopographyP]=ndgrid([80 87],[40 50 55],[0:10:1000]);
t=f(LonP, LatP, TopographyP);
  3 comentarios
MJFcoNaN el 2 de Jul. de 2022
Editada: MJFcoNaN el 2 de Jul. de 2022
  1. Please make sure your ROMS's grid is indeed in a form of "ndgrid". (I guess it because there are lines like this: lon=ncread(name,'lon_rho',[1 1],[Inf 1]); %longitude )
  2. Pay attention to "topography". I can't find whether it a ndgrid format or not... If not, Tracer will not be ndgrid neither. Then you may interpolate on every vertical layer to avoid the 3rd dimension of depth, like this one:
[LonP,LatP]=ndgrid([80 87],[40 50 55]);
t=f(LonP, LatP);
PS: Another option is "scatteredInterpolant"
Meredith Burke
Meredith Burke el 4 de Jul. de 2022
I have to include the depth, since I'm trying to plot a depth vs longitude profile. The topography and Tracer are not NDGRID, so I'm still lost.

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