How to run a generated plot function after editing a plot?

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Muazma Ali
Muazma Ali el 12 de Ag. de 2022
Comentada: Karim el 13 de Ag. de 2022
Hi! :)
When I run the function colorcode_surf_plotting, I make three variables x, y, z. Then I do some changes to my plot and save the file by generating the code.
When I so try to run the generated code after I have saved the file , then I just send three inputs, x, y, z as I thought were required to run the function I generated after I edited my plot. But it seems it is not enough.. why? I get this error message:
'index exceeds the nr of array elements'
  1 comentario
Karim el 13 de Ag. de 2022
when i try to run the code, see below, no error is shown... when do you obtain the error?
osmotisk_data = readtable("");
x = osmotisk_data{:,1};
y = osmotisk_data{:,2};
z = osmotisk_data{:,3};
numPoints = size(z, 1);
% Make a colormap with, say, 256 potential colors .
numColors = 256 ;
cmap = jet(numColors);
% Get the rows of the colormap that each value of z should take on .
colorIndex = round(rescale(z, 1, numColors ));
for k = 1 : numPoints
thisColor = cmap(colorIndex(k ), :);
plot3(x(k), y(k), z(k),'.', 'Color', thisColor, 'MarkerSize', 40 )
hold on ;
colormap(cmap );
fontSize = 12 ;
xlabel('Osmotisk trykk', 'FontSize',fontSize );
ylabel('Sone nummer', 'FontSize',fontSize );
zlabel('Samlet aktivitet', 'FontSize',fontSize );
grid on

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