Why the image size changes after saving it to hard drive?

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Sania Gul
Sania Gul el 29 de Ag. de 2022
Comentada: Sania Gul el 29 de Ag. de 2022
During program run my image size was 256*64*3, but when i store it in my D:/ and retrieve it back from there, the size is not same as the one I have saved? Y it is so? Where am I making error? Please help.
samples = [1+opening,count*Fs*1.05];
%Destination folder for storing images
Dest = 'D:\Fazeel_Data\TestNoisyPics\';
[Q,F,T] = spectrogram(audio,hann(512),256,512,Fs,'yaxis');
% Taking the log of Z-Axis (Brightness)
colormap parula
shading interp
view([0 90])
axis tight
% [a b c]=size(I)
export_fig AA.jpg -native -c[31 52 46 72]% https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/23629-export_fig
% resizing the image
outputImage = imresize(I, [256,64]);
export_fig AA.jpg -native -c[31 86 58 85]% clipping top right bottom left
[o p q]=size(outputImage)
The values of parameters shown in workspace are
o =256, p=64, q=3
but when I use the command [o p q]=size("AA.jpg), the values are
o=1, p=6, q=1, why it is so?????????

Respuesta aceptada

Chunru el 29 de Ag. de 2022
[o p q]=size(outputImage)
% The above shows the size of the outputImage
o =256, p=64, q=3
[o p q]=size('AA.jpg')
% The above shows the size of the string 'AA.jpg' which is 1x6x1 (6
% characters)
o=1, p=6, q=1
In order to show the image size of the stored files. You need to read imge first and then show the size.
  4 comentarios
Chunru el 29 de Ag. de 2022
size('Lo') is the size of char array 'Lo' not the variable Lo.
Sania Gul
Sania Gul el 29 de Ag. de 2022
Tnk u sooo much Chunru. It works now. Ur name sounds tooo good. ;-)

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