How do I plot this series?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Niloufar el 27 de Oct. de 2022
Editada: KALYAN ACHARJYA el 27 de Oct. de 2022
close all;clear;clc; t = linspace(-5,5,1000); %ylim([-0.01 0.01]); N = 1000; syms n t; an = (100*n*pi*(-1).^(n+1).*(1000-121*n.*n*pi*pi))/((1000-121*n.*n*pi*pi)^2 + (1320*n*pi)^2)*(50*n*pi); bn = (100*n*pi*(-1)^(n+1)*(1320*n*pi))/((1000-121*n.*n*pi*pi)^2 + (1320*n*pi)^2)*(50*n*pi); f = symsum(an.*cos(100*n*pi*t) + bn.*sin(100*n*pi*t),n,1,Inf); fplot(f); //I want to plot this series but it doesn't work what is the problem?

Respuesta aceptada

KALYAN ACHARJYA el 27 de Oct. de 2022
Editada: KALYAN ACHARJYA el 27 de Oct. de 2022
Change the upper bound value to any finite number
f = symsum(an.*cos(100*n*pi*t) + bn.*sin(100*n*pi*t),n,1,100);
%.........................................................^ any
%Try fplot same as code

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