How can we access individual edges in a Graph ?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
charu shree
charu shree el 21 de Abr. de 2023
Respondida: Steven Lord el 21 de Abr. de 2023
Hello all, I have the following Graph:
I know that with G.Edges , we can know the edges.
But I am not getting, how can I access individual edge of this Graph.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
sr = [1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,5];
ta = [2,3,6,8,6,4,7,6,6];
G = graph(sr,ta);
  3 comentarios
charu shree
charu shree el 21 de Abr. de 2023
Yes sir, I want to obtain edge 8 for example

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Steven Lord
Steven Lord el 21 de Abr. de 2023
I'd be careful asking for say "edge 8" because graph and digraph reserve the right to reorder the edges array if you insert or delete edges.
g = graph([1 2 3], [2 3 1])
g =
graph with properties: Edges: [3×1 table] Nodes: [3×0 table]
ans = 3×1 table
EndNodes ________ 1 2 1 3 2 3
originalEdge3 = g.Edges{3, :}
originalEdge3 = 1×2
2 3
g = addedge(g, 2, 1)
g =
graph with properties: Edges: [4×1 table] Nodes: [3×0 table]
newEdge3 = g.Edges{3, :}
newEdge3 = 1×2
1 3
originalEdge3 and newEdge3 are not the same edge. Before you ask no, there is no way to stop graph or digraph from doing this reordering.
If you want to ask if there is an edge between a source and target node, use findedge. Call it right before you need to access the edge, as adding or removing an edge can change the output of findedge as you saw above.
whichEdge = findedge(g, 2, 3)
whichEdge = 4
g.Edges(whichEdge, :)
ans = table
EndNodes ________ 2 3

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