How can I make heatmap scale fixed?

13 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Mateusz Lewandowski
Mateusz Lewandowski el 6 de Mayo de 2023
Comentada: Mateusz Lewandowski el 6 de Mayo de 2023
So I need to do some heatmaps for similiar, but different matrixes. As you can see below, the scale is moving values with colors, I would like to set fixed scale from 0 to 1000 even though some values may be be maximum ~800 (just like on second heatmap).
How can I make constant scale for every heatmap I generate?
Many thanks for help!

Respuesta aceptada

Jeff Miller
Jeff Miller el 6 de Mayo de 2023
h1 = heatmap();
h1.ColorLimits = [0 1000];

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