creating a warning dialog that wait until the user press ok, if the user press x the execution stops
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gili Maimon
el 11 de Mayo de 2023
Comentada: gili Maimon
el 16 de Mayo de 2023
Im writing a code that creates xlsx file (using writetable function)
I want that if thier is a xlsx file with the same name a warning alert will pop and tell the user: their are files with the same name, are you sure you want to override them? If the user press ok -> the execution of the code continues. If the user press X (get out from the warning dialog window) the execition of the code stops.
I tried to use uialert and uiwait as the following example:
in the title : "Wait for Button Press" they say that the following code should work:
f = figure('Position',[500 500 400 300]);
c = uicontrol('String','Continue','Callback','uiresume(f)');
disp('Program execution has resumed');
But it does not work. The uiwait, wait untii the user close the figure and not until the user press OK.
I want to do the following:
- user press OK -> execution continues
- user get out from the warning dialog window -> execution stops
It sounds very simple to me, but somehow I don't succeed to do it,
Someone did something similar?
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Respuesta aceptada
Simon Chan
el 14 de Mayo de 2023
fig = uifigure;
selection = uiconfirm(fig,'Overwrite existing excel file','File Operation');
switch selection
case 'OK'
disp('Code to write data into excel file');
case 'Cancel'
Más respuestas (1)
el 11 de Mayo de 2023
Does the behavior demonstrated in my example below do what you want?
for k = 1:10
if k ==3 % condition simulating duplicate file found, just for example
% Display confirmation for file overwrite
selection = questdlg('Overwrite duplicate file?','Duplicate File',...
if strcmp(selection,'Exit')
% display iteration (just to show something is happening
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