Plot can no longer recognize my variable
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Justyn Welsh
el 8 de Mzo. de 2024
Movida: Walter Roberson
el 9 de Mzo. de 2024
I have the following string of code. It was working totally fine, but now cannot recognize one of my variables? I have not change anything relevent to that portion of the code:
yData=[3.0000 0.3548; 5.0000 0.4322; 7.0000 0.4871; 9.0000 0.5171;...
11.0000 0.5315; 13.0000 0.5346; 15.0000 0.5351; 17.0000 0.5272;...
19.0000 0.5251; 21.0000 0.5248; 23.0000 0.5189; 25.0000 0.5103;...
27.0000 0.4958; 29.0000 0.4866; 31.0000 0.4885; 33.0000 0.4680;...
35.0000 0.4599; 37.0000 0.4638; 39.0000 0.4502; 41.0000 0.4368;...
43.0000 0.4325; 45.0000 0.4107; 47.0000 0.4191; 49.0000 0.4110;...
51.0000 0.4033; 53.0000 0.3908; 55.0000 0.3907; 57.0000 0.3749;...
59.0000 0.3717; 61.0000 0.3737; 63.0000 0.3648];
% solve the optimization problem here
options = optimoptions('fmincon','Algorithm','sqp'); % use SQP algorithm
A = []; % linear inequality constraints - NONE
b = []; % NONE
Aeq = []; % linear equality constraints - NONE
beq = []; % NONE
lb = [0.36, 0.05]; % lower bounds on x - given in problem statement
ub = [0.44, 0.06]; % upper bounds on x - given in problem statement
f = @(p)obj(p,yData);% objective function
nonlcon = [];
p0 = [0.4, 0.055];% initial guess from previous problems
[p,fval,exitflag,output,lambda] = fmincon(f,p0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options); % changed x to p
ndata = length(yData);
yB_Model = zeros(ndata,1);
for i = 1:ndata
F1 = yData(i,1);
x = [1; 0; 0; 390];
x = fsolve(@(x)model(x, F1, p),x);
yB_Model(1) = x(2);
% plots
% graph 1: experimental data v. model with optimal parameter values
xlim([yData(1,1), yData(idata,1)]);
title('y_B Data v. Flowrate (1)');
xlabel('Flowrate (1) [ m^3 /s ]');
ylabel('Concentration of y_B [ kmol/m^3 ]')
% graph 2: parity plot (yB v. yB data)
midX = [min(yData(:,2)), max(yData(:,2))];
midY = [min(yData(:,2)), max(yData(:,2))];
plot(yData(:,2),yBModel, 'o', midX, midY);
xlim([min(yData(:,2)) max(yData(:,2))]);
title('Parity Plot (y_B v. y_B Data');
xlabel('Experimental y_B Data [ kmol/m^3 ]');
ylabel('Model Data y_B Data [ kmol/m^3 ]');
function f = obj(p,yData)
% implement your objective function here
ndata = length(yData);
yModel = zeros(ndata,1);
options = optimoptions(@fsolve, 'Display','off');
for i = 1:ndata
F1 = yData(i,1);
x0 = [1; 0; 0; 390];
x = x0;
x = fsolve(@(x)model(x,F1,p),x,options);
yModel(i) = x(2);
f = norm(yData(:,2)-yModel).^2;
function h = model(x,F1,p) %Run this section to solve for Part B
% Implement the constraints that define the model
Va = 0.08937;
Vb = 0.1018;
Vc = 0.113;
Ya0 = 1;
Yb0 = 0;
Yc0 = 0;
V = 10;
% all constants given by the problem statement
r1 = (p(1)*x(1))/(x(1)*Va + x(2)*Vb + x(3)*Vc);
r2 = (p(2)*x(2))/(x(1)*Va + x(2)*Vb + x(3)*Vc);
% rate equations given by problem - these have our p values included in the
% equations
h = zeros(4,1);
h(1) = ((x(1)*x(4)) + (V*r1)) - Ya0*F1;
h(2) = ((x(2)*x(4)) + (V*(r2 - r1))) - Yb0*F1;
h(3) = ((x(3)*x(4)) - (V*(r2))) - Yc0*F1;
h(4) = x(1) + x(2) + x(3) - Ya0;
% these are our equality constraints
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Respuesta aceptada
Dyuman Joshi
el 8 de Mzo. de 2024
Movida: Walter Roberson
el 9 de Mzo. de 2024
Because there is no such variable named yModel before that plot() is called.
You have made a typo, it should be yB_Model.
Also, you are using (atleast) one variable without defining it - idata. Or maybe that is a typo as well.
I suggest you go through your code to check for any such discrepancies.
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