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I’m using ros2/Matlab and need the tranformations in a chart. How could I do that.
2 comentarios
el 12 de Jun. de 2024
Can you explain the specific workflow/use case you are looking to implement?
Respuestas (1)
el 11 de Jul. de 2024
Hello Robson,
I'm assuming that the need is to visualize transformations in a chart using ROS 2 and MATLAB. Below is a overview of the steps to be taken:
- Set Up ROS 2 in MATLAB: Ensure that the necessary ROS 2 setup is present in MATLAB.
- Subscribe to TF Messages: Subscribe to the transformation messages (usually "/tf" or "/tf_static" topics) to receive transformation data.
- Extract Transformation Data: Extract the transformation data from the received messages.
- Plot the Transformations: Use MATLAB plotting functions to visualize the transformations in a chart.
Below is a detailed step-by-step guide and example code to achieve this:
Step 1. Set Up ROS 2 in MATLAB: Make sure that the ROS Toolbox is installed and set up for ROS 2. Please check the setup using below code:
ros2 node list;
Step 2. Create a ROS 2 Node and Subscriber: Create a ROS 2 node and a subscriber for the transformation topic.
% Create a ROS 2 node
node = ros2node("/matlab_node");
% Create a subscriber for the '/tf' topic
tfSub = ros2subscriber(node, '/tf', 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped', @tfCallback);
% Create a subscriber for the /tf_static topic (if needed)
tfStaticSub = ros2subscriber(node, '/tf_static', 'geometry_msgs/TransformStamped', @tfCallback);
Step 3. Callback Function to Handle Transform Messages: Define a callback function to handle the transformation messages and store the data.
% Initialize a global variable to store transformations
global tfData;
tfData = [];
% Callback function to handle /tf messages
function tfCallback(~, msg)
global tfData;
% Extract the transformation data
tf = msg.transforms;
for i = 1:length(tf)
% Extract translation
trans = tf(i).transform.translation;
x = trans.x;
y = trans.y;
z = trans.z;
% Extract rotation (quaternion)
rot = tf(i).transform.rotation;
qx = rot.x;
qy = rot.y;
qz = rot.z;
qw = rot.w;
% Store the transformation data
tfData = [tfData; x, y, z, qx, qy, qz, qw];
Step 4. Plot the Transformations: Use MATLAB plotting functions to visualize the transformations.
% Plot the transformations
hold on;
grid on;
% Plot in a loop to continuously update the chart
while true
global tfData;
if ~isempty(tfData)
% Extract translation data
x = tfData(:, 1);
y = tfData(:, 2);
z = tfData(:, 3);
% Plot the translation data
scatter3(x, y, z, 'filled');
% Clear the data to avoid re-plotting
tfData = [];
pause(0.1); % Adjust the pause duration as needed
By following these steps, you can subscribe to transformation messages in ROS 2, extract the transformation data, and visualize it in a chart using MATLAB.
Please refer the following links for more details on:
- ros2subscriber (MathWorks Documentation):
- ros2tf (MathWorks Documentation):
- Get started with ROS 2 (MathWorks Documentation):
- ros2 (MathWorks Documentation):
- ROS Toolbox (MathWorks Documentation):
- Access the tf Transformation Tree in ROS 2 (MathWorks Documentation):
- SE(2) (MathWorks Documentation):
- tform (MathWorks Documentation):
Hope this helps!
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