Issues with Quadcopter Deep Reinforcement Learning Training in Simulink

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Hi guys,
I've been experimenting with training a quadcopter using Simulink in MATLAB for deep reinforcement learning. My objective is to train it to navigate from one hovering point to another point in space. However, I've encountered significant challenges, and the results have been far from satisfactory.
Could anyone provide suggestions or insights into potential issues that might be causing this? thank you

Respuestas (2)

Shubham el 19 de Jun. de 2024
Hi Hao,
Training a quadcopter to navigate between points in space using deep reinforcement learning (DRL) in Simulink can be quite challenging due to the complexity of the task and the intricacies of the learning process. Here are several suggestions and insights into potential issues you might be encountering, along with strategies to improve your results:
1. Simulation Environment
  • Ensure your Simulink model accurately represents the physics of a quadcopter, including aerodynamics, motor dynamics, and environmental factors like wind. Oversimplifications can lead to policies that don't transfer well to real-world conditions.
  • Review the state space and observations your model provides to the DRL agent. Insufficient or irrelevant information can hamper learning. Including position, velocity, orientation (e.g., Euler angles, quaternions), and angular velocity might be necessary.
  • Consider whether the action space (e.g., motor speeds, thrusts, or control angles) is appropriate for the learning objectives. Discrete action spaces can simplify the problem but might limit the finesse of the control strategies the agent can learn.
2. Reward Function
  • The reward function is crucial. It should guide the agent towards the goal (navigating between points) while encouraging stability and penalizing excessive energy use or erratic behavior. Ensure the rewards and penalties are balanced so that the agent doesn't exploit loopholes.
  • Sparse rewards (e.g., only rewarding the agent when it reaches the target) can make learning difficult, especially in complex environments. Consider using a denser reward scheme, such as penalizing the distance to the target point continuously.
3. Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithm
  • Different DRL algorithms have different strengths. Algorithms like DDPG (Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient) or PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) are popular for continuous control tasks like quadcopter flight. Ensure the algorithm you're using is suitable for your specific problem.
  • DRL is notoriously sensitive to hyperparameter settings, including learning rates, discount factors, and the size of the replay buffer. Experimenting with these can often yield significant improvements.
4. Training Process
  • Ensure there's a good balance between exploring the environment and exploiting known strategies. This might involve tuning the exploration strategy (e.g., epsilon-greedy parameters) or the noise added to the actions for exploration.
  • DRL can require a lot of samples to learn effectively. Techniques like experience replay can improve sample efficiency, but consider if your training episodes are diverse and informative enough.
5. Debugging and Diagnostics
  • Keep a close eye on metrics like reward per episode, loss values, and the behavior of the quadcopter in simulation. Abrupt changes or unusual patterns can indicate issues with the learning process or the simulation.
  • Visualizing the quadcopter's movement, its trajectory, and how these evolve over training can provide insights into what the model is learning and where it might be failing.
6. Computational Resources
  • Hardware: Ensure your computational resources are sufficient. DRL can be computationally intensive, and inadequate resources can slow down the learning process significantly.
Improving DRL performance is often an iterative process of hypothesis, experimentation, and refinement. By methodically addressing each of the potential issues listed above, you can identify bottlenecks in your training process and incrementally improve the performance of your quadcopter navigation model.

Jordan Olson
Jordan Olson el 8 de Jul. de 2024
It appears that your agent is receiving the exact same reward for every episode. What is the structure of your reward function? How can your agent's actions affect how much reward it receives? These are important questions to address when setting up any RL problem.
- Jordan



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