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Adjust the given code based on Newmark Beta Method based on input base acceleration file.

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%% Solution 1 & 2:
% Define parameters
m = 1; % Mass of each story (kg)
k = 1; % Stiffness of each story (N/m)
% Mass matrix
M = m * eye(3);
% Stiffness matrix
K = [2*k, -k, 0; -k, 2*k, -k; 0, -k, k];
% Solve the eigenvalue problem
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(K, M);
% Extract eigenvalues
omega_squared = diag(eigenvalues);
% Convert to natural frequencies (rad/s)
natural_frequencies = sqrt(omega_squared);
% Convert to natural frequencies (Hz)
natural_frequencies_Hz = natural_frequencies / (2 * pi);
% Display results
disp('Natural Frequencies (Hz):');
% Adjust parameters to get the first natural frequency to 1 Hz
% This requires iterating and adjusting m and k until the first natural frequency is 1 Hz
desired_frequency = 1; % Hz
desired_omega = desired_frequency * 2 * pi; % rad/s
desired_omega_squared = desired_omega^2;
tolerance = 1e-3; % Tolerance for convergence
max_iterations = 1000; % Maximum number of iterations
iteration = 0;
while iteration < max_iterations
iteration = iteration + 1;
% Update stiffness matrix with current stiffness
K = [2*k, -k, 0; -k, 2*k, -k; 0, -k, k];
% Solve the eigenvalue problem again
[eigenvectors, eigenvalues] = eig(K, M);
% Extract the first eigenvalue
first_omega_squared = eigenvalues(1, 1);
% Adjust mass and stiffness
k = k * (desired_omega_squared / first_omega_squared);
M = m * eye(3);
% Check convergence
if abs(first_omega_squared - desired_omega_squared) < tolerance
% Display final parameters
disp('Final Parameters:');
disp(['Mass per story (kg): ', num2str(m)]);
disp(['Stiffness per story (N/m): ', num2str(k)]);
% Display final natural frequencies
natural_frequencies = sqrt(diag(eigenvalues)) / (2 * pi);
disp('Final Natural Frequencies (Hz):');
% Normalize mode shapes for plotting
mode_shapes = eigenvectors ./ max(abs(eigenvectors), [], 1);
% Plot mode shapes
title('Mode Shapes of the 3-Story Shear Building');
%% Solution-3: Mode Shapes Plotting:
stories = [0; 1; 2; 3]; % Include ground level
for i = 1:3
subplot(1, 3, i); % Change to a 1x3 grid
plot([0; mode_shapes(:,i)], stories, '-o');
title(['Mode Shape ', num2str(i)]);
grid on;
%% Solution-4: Implement Newmark-beta algorithm for dynamic analysis
% Parameters for Newmark-beta
beta = 1/4;
gamma = 1/2;
% Load earthquake data
data = load('CNP100.txt'); % Load earthquake data
dt = 0.01; % Sampling interval for 100 Hz
time = (0:length(data)-1)*dt;
% Initial conditions
u = zeros(3, 1); % Initial displacement
v = zeros(3, 1); % Initial velocity
a = M \((data(1) * ones(3, 1)) - K*u); % Initial acceleration
% Time integration using Newmark-beta method
u_history = zeros(3, length(time));
a_history = zeros(3, length(time));
a_history(:, 1) = a;
for i = 1:length(time)-1
% Predictors
u_pred = u + (dt * v) + ((dt^2) * (0.5-beta) * a);
v_pred = v + (dt * (1-gamma) * a);
% Solve for acceleration
a_new = M \ ((data(i+1) * ones(3, 1)) - (K * u_pred));
% Correctors
u = u_pred + (beta * (dt^2) * a_new);
v = v_pred + (gamma * dt * a_new);
% Store response
u_history(:, i+1) = u;
a_history(:, i+1) = a_new;
a = a_new;
%% Solution-5: Plot time history of absolute acceleration response
for i = 1:3
subplot(3, 1, i);
plot(time, a_history(i, :));
title(['Absolute Acceleration Response Sampled at 100 Hz at DOF ', num2str(i)]);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)');
%% Solution-6: Resample input signal and repeat the analysis
frequencies = [20, 10, 2];
time_steps = [0.05, 0.1, 0.5];
for j = 1:length(frequencies)
new_fs = frequencies(j);
new_dt = 1/new_fs;
new_data = resample(data, new_fs, 100);
new_time = (0:length(new_data)-1)*new_dt;
% Repeat the Newmark-beta integration with new data
u = zeros(3, 1); % Initial displacement
v = zeros(3, 1); % Initial velocity
a = M \ ((new_data(1) * ones(3, 1)) - K*u); % Initial acceleration
u_history = zeros(3, length(new_time));
a_history = zeros(3, length(new_time));
a_history(:, 1) = a;
for i = 1:length(new_time)-1
% Predictors
u_pred = u + (new_dt * v) + ((new_dt^2) * (0.5-beta) * a);
v_pred = v + (new_dt * (1-gamma) * a);
% Solve for acceleration
a_new = M \ ((new_data(i+1) * ones(3, 1)) - K * u_pred);
% Correctors
u = u_pred + (beta * (new_dt^2) * a_new);
v = v_pred + (gamma * new_dt * a_new);
% Store response
u_history(:, i+1) = u;
a_history(:, i+1) = a_new;
a = a_new;
% Plot time history of absolute acceleration response
for i = 1:3
subplot(3, 1, i);
plot(new_time, a_history(i, :));
title(['Absolute Acceleration Response at DOF ', num2str(i), ' (Resampled at ', num2str(new_fs), ' Hz)']);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Acceleration (m/s^2)');

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