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How do I download a .set file onto EEGLAB?

8 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Tyler el 25 de Jul. de 2024
Editada: William Rose el 25 de Jul. de 2024
I am trying to import data from a open neuro dataset file that is a .set file and save it as a .fif file but it says an error: Unable to read MAT-file /MATLAB Drive/sub-01_task-ImaginedEmotion_eeg.set. Not a binary MAT-file. Try load -ASCII to read as text.,
This is not a bug (Error occurred in function pop_loadset() at line 155)

Respuestas (1)

William Rose
William Rose el 25 de Jul. de 2024
Editada: William Rose el 25 de Jul. de 2024
The .set files in EEGLAB have a complicated structure. The best way to get the data in a .set file into the Matlab workspace is to run EEGLAB. (Download it from the File Exchange if you haven't already.) Then select File -> Load existing dataset and select the .set file of interest. Good luck.


Más información sobre Downloads en Help Center y File Exchange.

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