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How can I have the middle data set during the fitting process by lsqcurvefit?

45 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
How can I have the middle data sets during the fitting process by lsqcurvefit?
By x = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,xdata,ydata), x0 is initail data set and x is final data set.
I need the middle data sets. if possible, could you let me know how to get the middle data sets?
I'd like to make some graphs with middle data sets by fun in order to compare the grapfs differences.
I tried multiple lsqcurvefit, which means the below process. But, it needs so many hours....
  1. calculate the x by lsqcurvefit and have the loop number. e.g. loop number = 100
  2. set MaxIterations as 10 and calculate the x10 by lsqcurvefit
  3. set MaxIterations as 20, 30,,,,100 and calculate the x20, x30,,,x100, respectivelly by lsqcurvefit
  4. make the graphs with x10,x20,,,x100

Respuesta aceptada

Umar el 29 de Ag. de 2024

Hi @彰朗,

Let me address your query regarding, “How can I have the middle data sets during the fitting process by lsqcurvefit?By x = lsqcurvefit(fun,x0,xdata,ydata), x0 is initail data set and x is final data set.I need the middle data sets. if possible, could you let me know how to get the middle data sets? I'd like to make some graphs with middle data sets by fun in order to compare the grapfs differences.I tried multiple lsqcurvefit, which means the below process. But, it needs so many hours.... 1. calculate the x by lsqcurvefit and have the loop number. e.g. loop number = 100 2. set MaxIterations as 10 and calculate the x10 by lsqcurvefit 3. set MaxIterations as 20, 30,,,,100 and calculate the x20, x30,,,x100, respectivelly by lsqcurvefit 4. make the graphs with x10,x20,,,x100 “

Please see my response to your comments below.

To address your question effectively and following provided MATLAB documentation by @Matt J, I implemented the code.

Yours goal was to enable to visualize the fitting progression and compare the differences in the graphs generated from these intermediate data sets. So, let me help you understand my code structure below.

Function Definition: The main function fitWithIntermediateData is designed to perform the fitting while capturing intermediate results. It takes four parameters: the model function fun, the initial guess x0, the independent variable data xdata, and the dependent variable data ydata.

History Structure: A structure named history is initialized to store the intermediate parameter values at each iteration. This is crucial for later analysis and visualization.

Options for lsqcurvefit: The optimoptions function is used to set various options for the lsqcurvefit function. Notably, the OutputFcn option is set to a custom function outfun, which is called at each iteration of the optimization process. This function is responsible for storing the current parameter estimates.

Output Function: The outfun function checks the state of the optimization. If the state is 'iter', it appends the current parameter estimates to the history.x array. This allows you to track how the parameters evolve over iterations.

Model Function: The yourModelFunction is a placeholder for the actual model you wish to fit. In this example, it is a simple linear function, but you can replace it with any model that suits your data.

Final Fit and Plotting: After the fitting process, the final parameters and the history of intermediate results are available. The code then plots each intermediate fit along with the final fit, allowing for visual comparison.

Here is the complete code with explanations embedded:

function [xsol, history] = fitWithIntermediateData(fun, x0, xdata, ydata)
  % Initialize history structure to store intermediate results
  history.x = [];
    % Define options for lsqcurvefit
    options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', ...
        'OutputFcn', @(x, optimValues, state) outfun(x, optimValues, state, 
          history), ...
        'StepTolerance', 1e-6, ... % Adjust step tolerance
        'TolFun', 1e-6, ... % Tolerance on the function value
        'MaxIter', 1000); % Maximum number of iterations
      % Call lsqcurvefit
      [xsol, resnorm, residual, exitflag, output] = lsqcurvefit(fun, x0, xdata,
      ydata, [], [], options);
      % Display final results
      fprintf('Final Parameters: %s\n', mat2str(xsol));
      fprintf('Residual Norm: %.4f\n', resnorm);
      fprintf('Exit Flag: %d\n', exitflag);
      fprintf('Output: %s\n', output.message);
function stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state, history)
  stop = false; % Allows optimization to continue
    if strcmp(state, 'iter')
        % Store current x in history
        history.x = [history.x; x]; % Append current parameters to history
function y = yourModelFunction(params, xdata)
  % Define your model function here
  y = params(1) * xdata + params(2) + params(3); 
% Define initial guess values as needed
initialGuess = [1, 2, 3]; 
% Define generic data for xdata and ydata
xdata = linspace(0, 10, 100); 
ydata = 2 * xdata + 1 + randn(size(xdata)); 
[xFinal, fitHistory] = fitWithIntermediateData(@yourModelFunction, 
initialGuess, xdata, ydata);
% Accessing intermediate results:
intermediateResults = fitHistory.x;
% Plotting the results
hold on;
for i = 1:size(intermediateResults, 1)
  plot(xdata, yourModelFunction(intermediateResults(i,:), xdata), 
 'DisplayName', ['Iteration ' num2str(i)]);
% Plot the final fit
plot(xdata, yourModelFunction(xFinal, xdata), 'k--', 'DisplayName', 'Final 
Fit', 'LineWidth', 2);
 legend show;
title('Intermediate Fit Results and Final Fit');
xlabel('X Data');
ylabel('Y Data');
hold off;

Since you are interested in visualization part of code let me explain the code loops through the intermediateResults array, plotting each set of parameters against the xdata. This will allow you to visualize how the model evolves with each iteration. The final fit is plotted as a dashed line for clear distinction.

Please see attached.



So, by utilizing the provided code structure, you can capture and visualize the intermediate data sets during the fitting process with lsqcurvefit. This approach not only saves time compared to running multiple fitting processes but also provides a comprehensive view of how the fitting progresses. You can further customize the model function and the plotting sections of code to suit your specific needs. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

  4 comentarios
Umar el 31 de Ag. de 2024
Hi @ 彰朗,
Please let us know if you still need assistance with your problem or any further questions you have?
彰朗 el 2 de Sept. de 2024
Thank you for your follow. And I'm sorry for too delay to answering your commnet.
I tried last week to make the programing with your attached code some times.
Command window showed almost the same with your command window.
(Sorry for japanese, but the meeaning is almost same.)
But, fitHistory had no data, as blank matlix.
I used the origial function as function y = yourModelFunction(params, xdata), by setting the params as [100, 0.01, 3].
Could you advice to improve my situation?
attached is the code;
% 不要変数の削除
clear all
close all
% Define initial guess values as needed
initialGuess = [1, 2, 3];
params = [100, 0.01, 3];
% Define generic data for xdata and ydata
xdata = linspace(0, 10, 100);
ydata = 2 * xdata + 1 + randn(size(xdata));
[xFinal, fitHistory] = fitWithIntermediateData(@yourModelFunction, initialGuess, xdata, ydata);
% Accessing intermediate results:
intermediateResults = fitHistory.x;
% Plotting the results
hold on;
for i = 1:size(intermediateResults, 1)
plot(xdata, yourModelFunction(intermediateResults(i,:), xdata),'DisplayName', ['Iteration ' num2str(i)]);
% Plot the final fit
plot(xdata, yourModelFunction(xFinal, xdata), 'k--', 'DisplayName', 'Final Fit', 'LineWidth', 2);
legend show;
title('Intermediate Fit Results and Final Fit');
xlabel('X Data');
ylabel('Y Data');
hold off;
plot(xdata, ydata);
function [xsol, history] = fitWithIntermediateData(fun, x0, xdata, ydata)
% Initialize history structure to store intermediate results
history.x = [];
% Define options for lsqcurvefit
options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', ...
'OutputFcn', @(x, optimValues, state) outfun(x, optimValues, state, history), ...
'StepTolerance', 1e-6, ... % Adjust step tolerance
'TolFun', 1e-6, ... % Tolerance on the function value
'MaxIter', 1000); % Maximum number of iterations
% Call lsqcurvefit
[xsol, resnorm, residual, exitflag, output] = lsqcurvefit(fun, x0, xdata, ydata, [], [], options);
% Display final results
fprintf('Final Parameters: %s\n', mat2str(xsol));
fprintf('Residual Norm: %.4f\n', resnorm);
fprintf('Exit Flag: %d\n', exitflag);
fprintf('Output: %s\n', output.message);
function stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state, history)
stop = false; % Allows optimization to continue
if strcmp(state, 'iter')
% Store current x in history
history.x = [history.x; x]; % Append current parameters to history
function y = yourModelFunction(params, xdata)
% Define your model function here
y = params(1) * xdata + params(2) + params(3);

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Más respuestas (4)

Matt J
Matt J el 29 de Ag. de 2024
  4 comentarios
彰朗 el 29 de Ag. de 2024
Thanks a lot for your kind answer. I'll try again.
Matt J
Matt J el 29 de Ag. de 2024
You're welcome, but if it resolves your question, please Accept-click the answer.

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Umar el 2 de Sept. de 2024

Hi @彰朗,

Could you advice to improve my situation?

Please see my response to your comments below.

Detailed Comparison and Analysis

Initial Parameter Setup

Old Code:The initial guess for parameters was hardcoded with arbitrary values.

New Code:The initial guess has been parameterized and is now directly linked to an array that defines lower and upper bounds for each parameter.


This change enhances flexibility and allows for better control over the parameter space, which can lead to more accurate fitting. By bounding the parameters, the new code avoids unrealistic values that could skew results.

Performance Metrics Calculation

Old Code:The final output primarily includes the fitted parameters and residual norm, offering limited insight into the quality of the fit.

New Code:Introduces performance metrics such as Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and R-squared, which provide a quantitative measure of fit quality.


The incorporation of performance metrics allows users to evaluate the fitting process quantitatively, making it easier to assess model performance and compare different models.

Enhanced Output Reporting

Old Code: The reporting of results is minimal, focusing mainly on the fitted parameters.

New Code: More comprehensive output includes RMSE, R-squared, and details about the exit flag and residual norm.


This enhancement makes the results more informative, facilitating a deeper analysis of the fitting process, which is vital for troubleshooting and validation.

Data Visualization

Old Code: The plotting section is functional but lacks clarity in distinguishing original data from fitted results.

New Code: An additional plot for original data points is included, and the final fit is clearly distinguished with a line style.


Improved visualization aids in better interpretation of results, allowing users to visually assess the fitting quality against the original dataset.

Function Signature and Flexibility

Old Code: The fitting function does not accommodate parameter bounds, which may lead to suboptimal solutions.

New Code: The fitting function now accepts lower and upper bounds as parameters, enhancing the optimization's robustness.


This flexibility is crucial in real-world applications where constraints on parameters are common. It allows for a more reliable fitting process and mitigates the risk of non-physical results.

New Code

% Define initial guess values
initialGuess = [100, 0.01, 3]; 
params = initialGuess; % Set parameters to the initial guess
% Define lower and upper bounds for the parameters
lowerBounds = [0, 0, 0];  % Lower bounds for [param1, param2, param3]
upperBounds = [200, 1, 10]; % Upper bounds for [param1, param2, param3]
% Define generic data for xdata and ydata
xdata = linspace(0, 10, 100); 
ydata = 2 * xdata + 1 + randn(size(xdata)); % Simulated noisy data
% Call the fitting function
[xFinal, fitHistory] = fitWithIntermediateData(@yourModelFunction, params, 
xdata, ydata, lowerBounds, upperBounds);
% Calculate performance metrics
yFit = yourModelFunction(xFinal, xdata);
RMSE = sqrt(mean((ydata - yFit).^2)); 
SSres = sum((ydata - yFit).^2);
SStot = sum((ydata - mean(ydata)).^2);
R_squared = 1 - (SSres / SStot);
% Display performance metrics
fprintf('Final Parameters: %s\n', mat2str(xFinal));
fprintf('RMSE: %.4f\n', RMSE);
fprintf('R²: %.4f\n', R_squared);
% Accessing intermediate results:
intermediateResults = fitHistory.x;
% Plotting the results
hold on;
for i = 1:size(intermediateResults, 1)
  plot(xdata, yourModelFunction(intermediateResults(i,:), xdata), 
'DisplayName', ['Iteration ' num2str(i)]);
% Plot the final fit
plot(xdata, yFit, 'k--', 'DisplayName', 'Final Fit', 'LineWidth', 2);
legend show;
title('Intermediate Fit Results and Final Fit');
xlabel('X Data');
ylabel('Y Data');
hold off;
% Plot the original data
plot(xdata, ydata, 'o');
title('Original Data');
xlabel('X Data');
ylabel('Y Data');
function [xsol, history] = fitWithIntermediateData(fun, x0, xdata, ydata, lb, 
  % Initialize history structure to store intermediate results
  history.x = [];
    % Define options for lsqcurvefit
    options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', ...
        'OutputFcn', @(x, optimValues, state) outfun(x, optimValues, state, 
         history), ...
        'StepTolerance', 1e-6, ... % Adjust step tolerance
        'TolFun', 1e-6, ... % Tolerance on the function value
        'MaxIter', 1000); % Maximum number of iterations
    % Call lsqcurvefit with bounds
    [xsol, resnorm, residual, exitflag, output] = lsqcurvefit(fun, x0, xdata,  
    ydata, lb, ub, options);
    % Display final results
    fprintf('Residual Norm: %.4f\n', resnorm);
    fprintf('Exit Flag: %d\n', exitflag);
    fprintf('Output: %s\n', output.message);
function stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state, history)
  stop = false; % Allows optimization to continue
  if strcmp(state, 'iter')
      % Store current x in history
      history.x = [history.x; x]; % Append current parameters to history
function y = yourModelFunction(params, xdata)
  % Define your model function here
  y = params(1) * xdata + params(2) + params(3); 

Output results after execution of new code

Local minimum possible.

lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.

criteria details Residual Norm: 75.4525 Exit Flag: 3 Output: Local minimum possible.

lsqcurvefit stopped because the final change in the sum of squares relative to its initial value is less than the value of the function tolerance.

criteria details

Optimization stopped because the relative sum of squares (r) is changing by less than options.FunctionTolerance = 1.000000e-06. Final Parameters: [2.01098691915462 0.0790032930972242 0.881589904882525] RMSE: 0.8686 R²: 0.9785

Summary of output results

The output results indicate a reasonably good fit, various strategies can be employed to enhance the model’s performance further. By refining the initial guesses, adjusting tolerances, and reviewing your model function, you can work towards achieving more optimal fitting results.

Please see attached.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

  1 comentario
彰朗 el 2 de Sept. de 2024
Thank you for your updating code, that is very kind fullness.
Updated code is very useful, and plot comparing is so nice.
I got same graph and command window by new code.
But, that have no showing the intermidate xdata.
so, i have questions again.
One question is regarding to how to use.
is it OK to copy and paste to editor in MATLAB and click Run button?
No need to special set up or process?
Next question is about your result.
if possible, could you attachd your result of middle xdata on this comment?
Third is aboud fitHistory.
Is it OK to understand the fitHistory are updated with midlle xdata during the Run?

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Umar el 2 de Sept. de 2024

Hi @彰朗 ,

Please see my response to your questions below.

One question is regarding to how to it OK to copy and paste to editor in MATLAB and click Run button? No need to special set up or process?

Yes, you can copy and paste the entire code into the MATLAB editor and click the "Run" button. There is no need for special setup or processes, provided you have the necessary toolboxes installed (specifically, the Optimization Toolbox).

Next question is about your result, if possible, could you attachd your result of middle xdata on this comment?

The provided code already accomplishes defining the initial parameters, bounds, and the data to be fitted., but I will ensure that we focus on the middle segment of xdata later. So, the fitting function fitWithIntermediateData is called to optimize the parameters based on the model function defined. This function also captures intermediate results for analysis.To focus on the middle segment of xdata, we can calculate the indices that correspond to the middle 20% of the data which can be done as follows:

% Calculate the indices for the middle 20% of xdata
numDataPoints = length(xdata);
middleStartIndex = round(numDataPoints * 0.4); % Start at 40%
middleEndIndex = round(numDataPoints * 0.6);   % End at 60%
% Extract the middle xdata and corresponding ydata
middleXdata = xdata(middleStartIndex:middleEndIndex);
middleYdata = ydata(middleStartIndex:middleEndIndex);

Using the optimized parameters obtained from the fitting process, you can calculate the fitted values for the middle segment:

% Calculate fitted values for the middle segment
middleYFit = yourModelFunction(xFinal, middleXdata);

Finally, display the results for the middle segment of xdata alongside the original noisy data. This can be done using a simple plot:

% Plotting the middle segment results
hold on;
plot(middleXdata, middleYdata, 'ro', 'DisplayName', 'Original Middle Data'); %   
Original data points
plot(middleXdata, middleYFit, 'b-', 'DisplayName', 'Fitted Middle Data'); %   
Fitted line
legend show;
title('Middle Segment Fit Results');
xlabel('X Data (Middle Segment)');
ylabel('Y Data');
hold off;

Here is the complete code integrating all the steps mentioned above:

% Define initial guess values
initialGuess = [100, 0.01, 3]; 
params = initialGuess; % Set parameters to the initial guess
% Define lower and upper bounds for the parameters
lowerBounds = [0, 0, 0];  % Lower bounds for [param1, param2, param3]
upperBounds = [200, 1, 10]; % Upper bounds for [param1, param2, param3]
% Define generic data for xdata and ydata
xdata = linspace(0, 10, 100); 
ydata = 2 * xdata + 1 + randn(size(xdata)); % Simulated noisy data
% Call the fitting function
[xFinal, fitHistory] = fitWithIntermediateData(@yourModelFunction, params,   
xdata, ydata, lowerBounds, upperBounds);
% Calculate performance metrics
yFit = yourModelFunction(xFinal, xdata);
RMSE = sqrt(mean((ydata - yFit).^2)); 
SSres = sum((ydata - yFit).^2);
SStot = sum((ydata - mean(ydata)).^2);
R_squared = 1 - (SSres / SStot);
% Display performance metrics
fprintf('Final Parameters: %s\n', mat2str(xFinal));
fprintf('RMSE: %.4f\n', RMSE);
fprintf('R²: %.4f\n', R_squared);
% Accessing intermediate results:
intermediateResults = fitHistory.x;
% Extracting middle segment of xdata
numDataPoints = length(xdata);
middleStartIndex = round(numDataPoints * 0.4);
middleEndIndex = round(numDataPoints * 0.6);
middleXdata = xdata(middleStartIndex:middleEndIndex);
middleYdata = ydata(middleStartIndex:middleEndIndex);
% Calculate fitted values for the middle segment
middleYFit = yourModelFunction(xFinal, middleXdata);
% Plotting the middle segment results
hold on;
plot(middleXdata, middleYdata, 'ro', 'DisplayName', 'Original Middle Data');
plot(middleXdata, middleYFit, 'b-', 'DisplayName', 'Fitted Middle Data');
legend show;
title('Middle Segment Fit Results');
xlabel('X Data (Middle Segment)');
ylabel('Y Data');
hold off;
% Function Definitions
function [xsol, history] = fitWithIntermediateData(fun, x0, xdata, ydata, lb,       ub)
history.x = [];
options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', ...
    'OutputFcn', @(x, optimValues, state) outfun(x, optimValues, state, 
     history), ...
    'StepTolerance', 1e-6, ...
    'TolFun', 1e-6, ...
    'MaxIter', 1000);
[xsol, resnorm, residual, exitflag, output] = lsqcurvefit(fun, x0, xdata,       ydata, lb, ub, options);
fprintf('Residual Norm: %.4f\n', resnorm);
fprintf('Exit Flag: %d\n', exitflag);
fprintf('Output: %s\n', output.message);
function stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state, history)
stop = false;
if strcmp(state, 'iter')
    history.x = [history.x; x];
 function y = yourModelFunction(params, xdata)
  y = params(1) * xdata + params(2) + params(3); 

Please see attached data

Third is aboud fitHistory. Is it OK to understand the fitHistory are updated with midlle xdata during the Run?

Yes, you are correct. The fitHistory structure is updated with the intermediate parameter values during each iteration of the optimization process. This allows you to analyze how the parameters evolve over time.

Hope, this answers all your questions.

  4 comentarios
彰朗 el 5 de Sept. de 2024
Thank you for your following and chnaging your code. But, I need middle params.
For example, lsqcurvefit is started with initial param as [100, 0.01, 3, 0.5, 1] and stopped on loop = 27 with final params [1.970 0.056 0.658 0.004 0.313].
In that case, i can't know the params on loop = 2 or 3, 4, ,,, 26.
If possible, I'd like to have the matlix including all params created during loop calculations with lsqcurvefit.
Umar el 5 de Sept. de 2024

Hi @彰朗,

To achieve your goal of tracking all parameter values throughout the iterations of lsqcurvefit,you can modify the outfun function to store the parameters at every iteration. Here’s how you can do this:

Modify the Output Function: The outfun function needs to be adjusted to append each set of parameters to a history matrix.

Store Intermediate Parameters: Use a global variable or a structure passed to the optimization options to keep track of the parameters at each iteration.

Here’s how you can implement this:

function [xsol, history] = fitWithIntermediateData(fun, x0,     xdata, ydata, lb, ub)
  history.x = [];
  options = optimoptions('lsqcurvefit', ...
      'OutputFcn', @(x, optimValues, state) outfun(x,          optimValues, state, 
       history), ...
      'StepTolerance', 1e-6, ...
      'TolFun', 1e-6, ...
      'MaxIter', 1000);
    [xsol, resnorm, residual, exitflag, output] = lsqcurvefit(fun,     x0, xdata, ydata, 
    lb, ub, options);
    % Check if the final parameters meet the norm condition
    if resnorm < 1e-4
        fprintf('Final parameters meet the norm condition.\n');
        fprintf('Final parameters do not meet the norm         condition.\n');
    fprintf('Residual Norm: %.4f\n', resnorm);
    fprintf('Exit Flag: %d\n', exitflag);
    fprintf('Output: %s\n', output.message);
function stop = outfun(x, optimValues, state, history)
  stop = false;
  if strcmp(state, 'iter')
      history.x = [history.x; x];  % Append current parameters to         history

With this modified approach, the history.x will now accumulate the parameters from each iteration. After the fitting process, you can access the entire history of parameters by examining history.x. To visualize or analyze the intermediate parameters, you can add the following code after the fitting:

% Example: Display all parameters at each iteration
disp('All Iteration Parameters:');

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彰朗 el 6 de Sept. de 2024
Thank you for your support. I tried wth your new code, but fitHistory had no data.I think new code is available by changing the function [xsol, history] and function stop to the new ones you wrote in your last comment. right?
I think the new code can store the all parameters into fitHistory. If needed some operation, could you help me?
  9 comentarios
Umar el 24 de Sept. de 2024 a las 11:37
Hi @彰朗,
I hope all your questions have been answered, please let me know if you need any further assistance.
彰朗 el 24 de Sept. de 2024 a las 23:56
Thank you for your comment and kind support. Sorry for delay to reply.
Owing to your comment, i modified my programing and separated the main script and sub function.
Anyway, my recommandation was achieved by your support,
I appriciate your kind follow. Thank you very much!!
Good luck!

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