MLS(moving least squares) algorithm problem... help me!!!

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
종영 el 7 de Nov. de 2024
Editada: William Rose el 7 de Nov. de 2024
During MLS, it was conducted as follows. I'm curious about this, I designated weighting for five adjacent points for one point, but I don't know how I can express it diagonally for 100 points as shown in the picture.
I don't know if the code just expressed this as sum or not.
The result value also doesn't come up with an MLS... Help!
clc; clear all; close all
%% give the nodes
x = linspace(0, 1, 100);
y = sin(2 * pi * x) + 0.5 * cos(6 * pi * x + pi / 4) ;
% y_noisy = y;
y_noisy = awgn(y,20);
hold on
%% basis function
ps = [ones(1,length(x)) ;x ;y;x.^2 ; (x.*y);y.^2].';
%% cubic spline function
distances = NaN(length(x), 5);
% weighting = zeros(size(relative_d));
for i = 1 : length(x)
point_index = i;
xi = x(point_index);
yi = y_noisy(point_index);
if point_index == 1
d = sqrt((x(point_index+1:point_index+5) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index+1:point_index+5) - yi).^2);
distances(i, 1:length(d)) = d;
elseif point_index == 2
distances1 = sqrt((x(point_index-1) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index-1) - yi).^2);
distances2 = sqrt((x(point_index+1:point_index+4) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index+1:point_index+4) - yi).^2);
d = [distances1, distances2];
distances(i, 1:length(d)) = d;
elseif point_index > 2 && point_index < length(x) - 2
distances1 = sqrt((x(point_index-2:point_index-1) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index-2:point_index-1) - yi).^2);
distances2 = sqrt((x(point_index+1:point_index+3) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index+1:point_index+3) - yi).^2);
d = [distances1, distances2];
distances(i, 1:length(d)) = d;
elseif point_index == length(x) - 2
distances1 = sqrt((x(point_index-3:point_index-1) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index-3:point_index-1) - yi).^2);
distances2 = sqrt((x(point_index+1:point_index+2) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index+1:point_index+2) - yi).^2);
d = [distances1, distances2];
distances(i, 1:length(d)) = d;
elseif point_index == length(x) - 1
distances1 = sqrt((x(point_index-4:point_index-1) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index-4:point_index-1) - yi).^2);
distances2 = sqrt((x(point_index+1) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index+1) - yi).^2);
d = [distances1, distances2];
distances(i, 1:length(d)) = d;
elseif point_index == length(x)
d = sqrt((x(point_index-5:point_index-1) - xi).^2 + (y_noisy(point_index-5:point_index-1) - yi).^2);
distances(i, 1:length(d)) = d;
dmi = mean(distances, 2); %질문!
% dmi(1:100) = 10;
relative_d(i,:) = abs(distances(i,:))./dmi(i);
for j = 1:5
if relative_d(i,j) < 0.5
weighting(i,j) = 2/3 - 4*relative_d(i,j).^2 + 4*relative_d(i,j).^3;
elseif relative_d(i,j) > 0.5 && relative_d(i,j) < 1
weighting(i,j) = 4/3 - 4*relative_d(i,j) + 4*relative_d(i,j).^2 - (4/3)*relative_d(i,j).^3;
weighting(i,j) = 0;
weight_mean = sum(weighting, 2) /5; % 질문!
weight_fin = diag(weight_mean);
p_x(:,i) = [1; xi; yi; xi.^2; (xi .* yi); yi.^2];
A = ps.' * weight_fin * ps;
B = ps.' * weight_fin;
phi= p_x.' * (A^-1 * B) * y_noisy.';
% for i = 1 : 100
% figure(2)
% plot(1:5,weighting(i,:))
% hold on
% end
%% Obtain the matrixed
hold on
legend('orginal','noise signal','MLS signal')

Respuestas (1)

William Rose
William Rose el 7 de Nov. de 2024
Editada: William Rose el 7 de Nov. de 2024
In your comment you refer to "cubic spline function". Cubic splines for smoothing can be done with csaps(). The code below shows spline smoothing with three levels of smoothing: no smoothing (p=1); intermediate smoothing (p=.9999948); max smoothing (p=0).
n=100; % number of data points
x = linspace(0, 1, n);
y = sin(2 * pi * x) + 0.5 * cos(6 * pi * x + pi / 4) ;
yNoisy = awgn(y,10); % add Gaussian white noise, snr=10 dB
subplot(211), plot(x,y,'-k',x,yNoisy,'.k')
legend('No noise','With noise'); grid on
Fit cubic splines to the data, with varying amounts of smoothing:
h=x(2)-x(1); % h=delta x
% p=1//(1+h^3/6); % initial guess for smoothing parameter p
% make p smaller/larger for more/less smoothing
ys1=csaps(x,yNoisy,0,x); % p=0: straight line
p=1/(1+h^3/0.2); % smoothing parameter p
ys2=csaps(x,yNoisy,p,x); % p=smoothing paramater
ys3=csaps(x,yNoisy,1,x); % p=1: cubic spline thorugh every data point
Plot results
subplot(212), plot(x,yNoisy,'.k',x,ys1,'-b',x,ys2,'-g',x,ys3,'-r')
legend('Data','p=0',['p=',num2str(p,'%.7f')],'p=1'); grid on
I realize this does not address why your code doesn't work. But the solution above does get the job done, and it is probably easier than debugging your code.


Más información sobre Smoothing en Help Center y File Exchange.



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