Finding more than one root for nonlinear equation

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Lucas Resende
Lucas Resende el 10 de Dic. de 2024
Editada: Torsten el 10 de Dic. de 2024
Hello there! Hope you're all fairing well.
I used the fsolve function to solve my problem, but it only returns one answer. I want to know if there is another function that can return all the possible answer, if there are more than one. Heres what I am trying to solve:
I'm trying to solve for qb, qt, beta, and their respective derivatives.
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Torsten el 10 de Dic. de 2024
Editada: Torsten el 10 de Dic. de 2024
But doesnt solve only return one possível answer?
"solve" tries to find all solutions to a system of equations.
When setting up the system using the Symbolic Toolbox as suggested by @Walter Roberson, you can already assume that q_t_dot and beta_dot are 0. This follows from equations (2) and (3) of your system.
Lucas Resende
Lucas Resende el 10 de Dic. de 2024
Thank you both so much! Im going to try It right away!

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Torsten el 10 de Dic. de 2024
Editada: Torsten el 10 de Dic. de 2024
Equations (5) and (6) are two linear equations in q_t, beta and q_dot_b. Use them to express q_t and beta as linear functions of q_b_dot.
Now insert the expressions for q_t and beta in equation (4). After having done this, equations (1) and (4) will be of the form
a11*q_dot_b + a12*q_b^3 = 0
a21*q_dot_b + a22*q_b = 0
Eliminating q_dot_b gives a cubic equation for q_b that usually has 3 solutions.
Inserting backwards gives 3 solutions for all unknowns except for q_dot_t and beta_dot that were identified to be zero right at the beginning.
syms q_dot_b q_b q_t beta
syms a11 a41 a42 a43 a44 a52 a53 a54 a62 a63 a64 real
eqn1 = a11*q_b^3 + q_dot_b == 0
eqn2 = a41*q_b+a42*q_t + a43*beta + a44*q_dot_b == 0
eqn3 = a52*q_t + a53*beta + a54*q_dot_b == 0
eqn4 = a62*q_t + a63*beta + a64*q_dot_b == 0
sol = solve([eqn1,eqn2,eqn3,eqn4],[q_b,q_t,beta,q_dot_b])
sol = struct with fields:
q_b: [3x1 sym] q_t: [3x1 sym] beta: [3x1 sym] q_dot_b: [3x1 sym]
ans = '[0; (((a41^3*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)^3)/(a11*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62)^3))^(1/2)*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62))/(a41*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)); -(((a41^3*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)^3)/(a11*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62)^3))^(1/2)*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62))/(a41*(a52*a63 - a53*a62))]'
ans = '[0; -((a53*a64 - a54*a63)*((a41^3*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)^3)/(a11*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62)^3))^(1/2))/(a52*a63 - a53*a62); ((a53*a64 - a54*a63)*((a41^3*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)^3)/(a11*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62)^3))^(1/2))/(a52*a63 - a53*a62)]'
ans = '[0; ((a52*a64 - a54*a62)*((a41^3*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)^3)/(a11*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62)^3))^(1/2))/(a52*a63 - a53*a62); -((a52*a64 - a54*a62)*((a41^3*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)^3)/(a11*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62)^3))^(1/2))/(a52*a63 - a53*a62)]'
ans = '[0; -((a41^3*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)^3)/(a11*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62)^3))^(1/2); ((a41^3*(a52*a63 - a53*a62)^3)/(a11*(a42*a53*a64 - a42*a54*a63 - a43*a52*a64 + a43*a54*a62 + a44*a52*a63 - a44*a53*a62)^3))^(1/2)]'





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