How do I post a picture with my question

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Doug Hull
Doug Hull el 21 de En. de 2011
Comentada: Rik el 31 de Oct. de 2020
How can I add this image?
  1 comentario
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 10 de Jun. de 2011
See also this partial list of sites you can upload your picture to:

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Respuesta aceptada

Jan el 10 de Jun. de 2011
Editada: Jan el 7 de Jun. de 2019
The question of how to embed a picture was answered already. Let me encourage all users to really use this feature, which is much more efficient and appealing than posting just the link to the image.
with this:

Más respuestas (4)

Doug Hull
Doug Hull el 21 de En. de 2011

Here is an example with the code used: (extra spaces before and between "greater thans" so it would not execute, Do not use them like that in actual use.)

<< > >

You will have to host the image somewhere. I placed my example code as a code block by putting two spaces before it so it would not actually load the image in this example.

Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub el 17 de Mayo de 2012
If someone posts a question with a link like and I want to edit the question to embed the image I get
and that looks really ugly. Is there anything I can do besides re-uploading the image?
  7 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 21 de Mayo de 2012
I embedded that _exact_ preview, in a Question a day or so, and had no difficulty with it being off the right hand side.
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub el 22 de Mayo de 2012
@Walter, you tried to embed the "exact preview" but you didn't. The question is here:
Basically there are two images: and You embedded the 2u95qwg image twice. If I embed that image it works for me also. The 14bib77 image does not work.

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Jan el 21 de Sept. de 2013
Now pictures can be uploaded directly in the forum, see: . A great step to improve the usability of the forum!

Hamad Abdin
Hamad Abdin el 31 de Oct. de 2020
function [root, fx, es, iter] = modsecantmeth(func, xr, es, del, maxit)
% modsecantmeth: root location
% [root, es, iter] = modsecantmeth(func, xr, es, del maxit:
% uses Modified Secant Method to find roots of func
% input:
% func = name of function
% xr = initial guess
% es = desired relative error ( default = 0.0001%)
% del = perturbation fraction (default = 1e-6)
% output
% root = real root
% ea = approximate relative error (%)
% iter = number of iterations
% operational notes
% none.
if nargin < 2, error('at least 2 input arguments required'),end
if nargin < 3 || isempty(es), es = 0.0001;end
if nargin < 4 || isempty(del), del = 1e-6;end
if nargin < 5 || isempty(maxit), maxit = 50;end
iter = 0;
ea = 100;
while (1)
xrold = xr;
xr =xr - del *xr*func(xr)/(func(xr+(del*xr))-func(xr));
iter = iter +1;
if xr~= 0, ea = abs((xr-xrold)/xr)*100;end
data(:,iter) = [iter, xrold, xr, ea];
if ea <= es || iter >= maxit, break, end
root = xr; fx = func(xr);
disp('Secant Method Results')
disp('iter, old xr, new xr, |ea|')
  2 comentarios
Hamad Abdin
Hamad Abdin el 31 de Oct. de 2020
can you help me to make run.
Rik el 31 de Oct. de 2020
This is completely unrelated to this question. Read this
After that, post this as your own question (don't forget to have a proper layout of your post, see this link: )
This answer will be deleted shortly.

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