code for segmentation of image using grabcut algorithm

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Navdeep Kaur
Navdeep Kaur el 13 de Jun. de 2016
Respondida: Image Analyst el 18 de Ag. de 2024
[Ncut] = graphcuts(I,pad,MAXVAL) %
function [Ncut] = graphcuts(I)
% Input: I image % pad: spatial connectivity; eg. 3
% MAXVAL: maximum image value
% Output: Ncut: Binary map 0 or 1 corresponding to image segmentation
error : Error using graph cuts Not enough input arguments.

Respuestas (2)

sasikumar el 18 de Ag. de 2024
grabcut code in matlab

Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 18 de Ag. de 2024
GrabCut is in the image segmenter app on the Apps tab of the tool ribbon. Once you've done it, click the Export button on the applet's tool ribbon to export the code. See
Segment Image Using Local Graph Cut (Grabcut) in Image Segmenter
Also see examples of code snippets in the documentation for grab cut:
help grabcut
GRABCUT Segment image into foreground and background using iterative graph-based segmentation. BW = GRABCUT(A,L,ROI) segments the image A into foreground and background regions using GrabCut with the label matrix L specifying the subregions of the image. ROI is a logical mask designating the initial region of interest. BW = GRABCUT(A,L,ROI,FOREMASK,BACKMASK) segments the image A into foreground and background regions using GrabCut with the label matrix L specifying the subregions of the image. FOREMASK and BACKMASK are masks designating pixels in the image as foreground and background, respectively. BW = GRABCUT(A,L,ROI,FOREIND,BACKIND) segments the image A into foreground and background regions using GrabCut with the label matrix L specifying the subregions of the image. FOREIND and BACKIND specify the linear indices of the pixels in the image marked as foreground and background, respectively. BW = GRABCUT(V,_____) segments the volume V into foreground and background regions. BW = GRABCUT(_____,NAME,VALUE) segments the image using name-value pairs to control aspects of the segmentation. Parameters include: 'Connectivity' - Scalar value representing the connectivity of connected components. For 2D images, value must be either 4 or 8 (default). For 3D images, value must be 6, 18, or 26 (default). 'MaximumIterations' - Positive scalar integer value that determines the maximum number of iterations performed by the algorithm. The algorithm could converge to a solution before reaching the maximum number of iterations. The default value is 5. Class Support ------------- The input image A is an array of one of the following classes: uint8, uint16, int16 (grayscale only), single, or double. It must be real, finite, and nonsparse. L must be a valid label matrix for image A. ROI must be a logical array where all pixels that define the region of interest are equal to true. FOREMASK and BACKMASK must be logical arrays. FOREIND and BACKIND must be vectors of linear indices identifying pixels in the label matrix L. Output image BW is the same size as the label matrix L. Notes ----- 1. The algorithm treats all subregions fully or partially outside the ROI mask as belonging to the background. An optimal segmentation will be obtained when the object that is desired is fully contained within the ROI with a small amount of background pixels surrounding the object. 2. For double and single images, the range of the image is assumed to be [0 1]. For uint16, int16, and uint8 images, the range is assumed to be the full range for the given data type. 3. For grayscale images, the size of L, FOREMASK, and BACKMASK must match the size of the image A. For color and multi-channel images, L, FOREMASK, and BACKMASK must be a 2D array with the first two dimensions identical to the first two dimensions of the image A. 4. A given subregion of the label matrix should not be marked as belonging to both the foreground mask and the background mask. If a region of the label matrix contains pixels belonging to both the foreground mask and background mask, the algorithm effectively treats the region as unmarked. 5. All subregions outside the region of interest defined by ROI are assumed to belong to the background. Marking one of these subregions as belonging to foreground or background mask will have no effect on the resulting segmentation. Example 1 --------- % Read in image. RGB = imread('peppers.png'); % Generate label matrix L = superpixels(RGB,500); % Select region of interest figure; imshow(RGB) h = drawpolygon(gca,'Position',[72,105; 1,231; 0,366; 104,359;... 394,307; 518,343; 510,39; 149,72]); roi = createMask(h,RGB); % Perform GrabCut BW = grabcut(RGB,L,roi); % Create masked image. maskedImage = RGB; maskedImage(repmat(~BW,[1 1 3])) = 0; figure; imshow(maskedImage) Example 2 --------- % Load 3D image load mristack V = mristack; % Create 2D mask for initial foreground and background seed points seedLevel = 10; fseed = V(:,:,seedLevel) > 75; bseed = V(:,:,seedLevel) == 0; figure; imshow(fseed) figure; imshow(bseed) % Place seed points into empty 3D mask fmask = zeros(size(V)); bmask = fmask; fmask(:,:,seedLevel) = fseed; bmask(:,:,seedLevel) = bseed; % Create initial region of interest roi = false(size(V)); roi(10:end-10,10:end-10,:) = true; % Generate label matrix L = superpixels3(V,500); % Perform GrabCut bw = grabcut(V,L,roi,fmask,bmask); % Display 3D segmented image figure; volshow(bw); See also SUPERPIXELS, LAZYSNAPPING, WATERSHED, LABELMATRIX, imageSegmenter. Documentation for grabcut doc grabcut


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