How to print text on the same line ?
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el 28 de Jun. de 2016
Editada: Cristi Savlovschi
el 15 de Jul. de 2021
I want to print a sentence on the same line like
for i=1:100
printf('At %d', i);
So matlab must print
At 1
Then on the SAME LINE SAME PLACE it must print At 2. Now all it does is print
At 1
At 2
At 3
At 4
At 1 At 2 At 3 At 4 At 5
I want matlab to overwrite the number.
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Walter Roberson
el 29 de Jun. de 2016
lastsize = 0;
for i=1:100
fprintf(repmat('\b', 1, lastsize));
lastsize = fprintf('%At %d', i);
The output will come so quickly that you will not be able to see the intermediate values unless you put in a pause()
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Cristi Savlovschi
el 15 de Jul. de 2021
Editada: Cristi Savlovschi
el 15 de Jul. de 2021
function dispProgressMsg(msg)
persistent prevMsgLen;
if isempty(prevMsgLen)
prevMsgLen = 0;
disp([ char(repmat(ASCII_BKSP_CHAR,1,prevMsgLen)) msg]);
prevMsgLen = numel(msg)+1;
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fedi sonnara
el 27 de Oct. de 2017
By the way, just to know the principle
fprintf('testing x...');pause(3);fprintf('done\n');
fprintf('testing y...');pause(3);fprintf('done\n');
will display
testing x...done
testing y...done
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r r
el 11 de Mayo de 2021
I have two files with similar data and I want to extract them into a file, and I also want to print the same line for the same data in the two files
Please help me
F1 = fopen('E.txt');
T1 = textscan(F1,'%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
F2 = fopen('G.txt');
tt2 = textscan(F2,'%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
T1s = char(T1{:});
T2s = char(T2{:});
[C,ix,ic] = intersect(T1s,T2s,'rows')
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%out Fiel :::
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r r
el 11 de Mayo de 2021
I have two files in which there are numbers in the first column that are similar and I want to print the line that matches and differs in the number of the first column in the two files:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Fiel.1
fid1 = fopen( 'E1.txt', 'rt' );
T1 = textscan(fid1,'%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
%codes1 = textscan( fid1, '%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%s', 'Delimiter','|' );
fclose( fid1 );
fid2 = fopen( 'G1.txt', 'rt' );
T2 = textscan(fid2,'%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
%codes2 = textscan( fid2, '%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%s', 'Delimiter','|' );
fclose( fid2 );
T1s = char(T1{:});
T2s = char(T2{:});
%Similar data between two files::
%[C,ix,ic] = intersect(T1s,T2s,'rows')
%Differences data between two files::
[B,ib,ib] = visdiff(T1s,T2s,'rows')
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%print output:::
fid = fopen( 'Similar.txt', 'wt' );%Print all similar lines
fclose( fid ) ;
fid = fopen( 'Different.txt', 'wt' );%Print all different lines
fclose( fid );
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