I was searching the web but couldn't find the right search terms to find the answer even though I think I'm not the first to have this "problem":
By default a small matrix like a 4 x 2 matrix is displayed in structs and the workspace not as "4x2 double" instead with square brackets and semicolons. I would like to display any kind of matrix as "?x? double" or similar and not written-out with brackets and semicolons.
Jan answer should read:"You can write your own function to display arrays in the wanted style,in the command window". As I said, you will not be able to alter th display in the variable editor or workspace editor.
You can change the display of the workspace browser also, seehttp://undocumentedmatlab.com/blog/customizing-matlabs-workspace-table. But with a limited Matlab knowledge I would suggest not to do this. It is a lot of work and might be incompatible with different Matlab versions. If you really need a specific display, create your own browsing tool and then you have full access to all features.
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