Thank you all for your help. I went with a variation of both and ultimately got what i was looking for.
% Data
Data = readtable('Customer_Orders_Weekly.xls');% Read Data
weeklySum = grpstats(Data(74:78,4:end),[],'sum'); % Sum weekly orders
headers = Data(1,4:end).Properties.VariableNames; % Get headers for xLabels
monthlySum = weeklySum{1,2:end}; % Array of data for plot
% Plot
hbar = bar(monthlySum);
xLabels = headers;
set(gca, 'XTick', 1:21, 'XTickLabel', xLabels);
% Data labels
x = get(hbar,'XData');
y = get(hbar,'YData');
ygap = 0.1;
ylimits = get(gca,'YLim');
dataLabels = cellstr(num2str(monthlySum')); %//'
for i = 1:length(x) % Loop over each bar
xpos = x(i); % Set x position for the text label
ypos = y(i) + ygap; % Set y position, including gap
htext = text(xpos,ypos,dataLabels{i}); % Add text label
set(htext,'VerticalAlignment','bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment','center')