Copyobj did not copy attributes/properties

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Luc Masset
Luc Masset el 10 de Dic. de 2017
Comentada: Pierre E. el 25 de Mayo de 2020
I want to copy existing axes in a new figure using copyobj. Unfortunately, the attributes did not seem to be copied well. Here the font size of new axes xlabel should be 14 and it is 11. Is this the normal behavior?
>> figure
>> hax=gca;
>> set(get(hax,'xlabel'),'fontsize',14,'string','My xlabel')
>> get(get(hax,'xlabel'),'fontsize')
ans =
>> fig2=figure;
>> hax2=copyobj(hax,fig2);
>> get(get(hax2,'xlabel'),'fontsize')
ans =

Respuestas (3)

Jan el 10 de Dic. de 2017
Editada: Jan el 10 de Dic. de 2017
If this is the "normal" behavior or not depends on the definition of "normal": Do you mean the intended or the usual behavior?
  1. I observe the same effect in R2016b, while in R2009a the font size was preserved.
  2. When I copy an axes object, I'd expect, that the font size of the labels is copied.

Luc Masset
Luc Masset el 10 de Dic. de 2017
Hello Jan,
Thx for your answer. Indeed I was thinking of intended/expected behavior. From my point of view too, labels and title attributes should be kept when using copyobj.

Mack Gardner-Morse
Mack Gardner-Morse el 30 de Nov. de 2018
I agree with Jan. I have the same problem with copyobj in Release 2018a. Both font size and font weight in labels and titles are not preserved using copyobj. I did not see this in much earlier versions of Matlab. Someone should make a bug report.
  1 comentario
Pierre E.
Pierre E. el 25 de Mayo de 2020
Same is observed with release 2019a as well !

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