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1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Giacomo el 12 de Jun. de 2018
Cerrada: Giacomo el 20 de Jun. de 2018
Hi, I have a zedboard with a Pmod CAN of digilent and I try to create a new hardware in vivado to use it in simulink as Reference Design. My Vivado scheme is
and my constraints are
Hence, I create a simulink model, that it works with original Zedboard Hardware, but with my Hardware is not work. The HDL Workflow Advisor stops in step 4. (Create project) with errors:
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-52] Could not find the abstraction definition specified by the vlnv:
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-181] Type specified by the VLNV: '', cannot be found. Interface port: 'Pmod_out' cannot be created
WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-3571] IP 'design_1_PmodCAN_0_0' is restricted:
* IP definition 'PmodCAN_v1_0 (1.0)' relies on the following subcore(s) that were not found in the IP Catalog:
Please select 'Report IP Status' from the 'Tools/Report' menu or run Tcl command 'report_ip_status' for more information.
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-51] Could not find bus definition for the interface: Pmod_out
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-49] Could not find abstraction definition for the interface: Pmod_out
CRITICAL WARNING: [BD 41-49] Could not find abstraction definition for the interface: Pmod_out
create_bd_cell: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:04 ; elapsed = 00:00:06 . Memory (MB): peak = 395.867 ; gain = 134.109
INFO: [PS7-6] Configuring Board Preset part0. Please wait ......
INFO: [Ipptcl 7-1463] No Compatible Board Interface found. Board Tab not created in customize GUI
WARNING: [BD 5-233] No interface ports matched 'get_bd_intf_ports Pmod_out'
ERROR: [BD 5-106] Arguments to the connect_bd_intf_net command cannot be empty.
ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'connect_bd_intf_net' failed due to earlier errors.
I attach myboard. Thank you

Respuestas (3)

Giacomo el 15 de Jun. de 2018
can you help me? thanks thanks thanks

Giacomo el 17 de Jun. de 2018

Giacomo el 18 de Jun. de 2018
I have reduced the warnings and errors:
INFO: [PS7-6] Configuring Board Preset part0. Please wait ...... INFO: [Ipptcl 7-1463] No Compatible Board Interface found. Board Tab not created in customize GUI Wrote : C:/Users/gcanc/Desktop/ZedBoardAeromechs/hdl_prj/vivado_ip_prj/vivado_prj.srcs/sources_1/bd/design_1/ Wrote : C:/Users/gcanc/Desktop/ZedBoardAeromechs/hdl_prj/vivado_ip_prj/vivado_prj.srcs/sources_1/bd/design_1/ui/bd_1f5defd0.ui WARNING: [Vivado 12-818] No files matched '' # set_property synth_checkpoint_mode None [get_files] ERROR: [Common 17-55] 'set_property' expects at least one object. Resolution: If [get_<value>] was used to populate the object, check to make sure this command returns at least one valid object. INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Mon Jun 18 15:27:06 2018...
and now? :-)

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