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Indexing result of strsplit('My string', ' ')

27 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Nicolas Bourbaki
Nicolas Bourbaki el 20 de Jun. de 2018
Comentada: Nicolas Bourbaki el 24 de Jul. de 2018
Why doesn't something like
strsplit('My string', ' ')(1)
Is there a more elegant way than
x = strsplit('My string', ' ')

Respuesta aceptada

Guillaume el 20 de Jun. de 2018
No matlab does not allow indexing directly into the return value of a function (or any other temporary variable). There is not workaround other than assigning the temporary to a variable, as you have done.
Note that if you want the content of the first element of the cell array {} would be more appropriate
x = strsplit('My string', ' ')
  1 comentario
Nicolas Bourbaki
Nicolas Bourbaki el 24 de Jul. de 2018
Thanks a lot for your answer. It helps me a lot.

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