Plotting multiple trajectories on map
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el 24 de Jul. de 2018
Comentada: C G
el 25 de Jul. de 2018
I have a rather strange one.
I need to plot multiple trajectories on a map. Right now, I am manually adding each latitude and longitude to the script and plotting away. This is easy enough for a few lines, but not in the long run.
The variables tdump* are specific to a trajectory and are from individually named text files. So... these change depending on the text file. What I have been doing is importing the information I need from each text file and assigning it a numeric variable with the same name.
%Import data from file. Get rid of ugly header.
filename = 'tdump85072712.txt';
delimiterIn = ' ';
headerlinesIn = 12;
C = importdata(filename,delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);
%To assign certain columns to a specific variable
tdump85072712 =,9:12);
I then go on to plot each onto a map.
lima ('xy') %Plots a stereographic map
plotps(tdump85072512(:,2),tdump85072512(:,3),'color', [0 .498 0],'linestyle','-')
plotps(tdump85072600(:,2),tdump85072600(:,3),'color', [.306 .396 .58],'linestyle','-')
Does anyone know of an easier way to achieve the same thing?
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Pawel Jastrzebski
el 24 de Jul. de 2018
This is roughly how I would go about this problem [code untested]:
% Get all the file names in the folder
filename = dir('*.xlsx');
% Import settings
delimiterIn = ' ';
headerlinesIn = 12;
% empty Table that will hold ALL imported data
tData = []
% Use 'for loop' to import alle the data into one place
for i = 1:numel(filename)
C = importdata(filename,delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);
% add data to a table - 4 columns
tData = [tData,9:12)]
% plot first set of data
hold on
% add rest of the plots to the figure
% using 'for' loop
% starting from 2nd set of data
for j = 6:4:size(tData,2)
Side note, it's interesting to see that you import 4 columns out each file (columns 9:12) and yet use only column 2:3 from each data set for plotting. Are you using the remaining data for something else? If not just don't import it.
6 comentarios
Pawel Jastrzebski
el 25 de Jul. de 2018
OK, I've fixed my original code and this import should work:
% Get all the file names in the folder
filename = dir('*.txt'); % STRUCT
filename = {}; % CELL
% Import settings
delimiterIn = ' ';
headerlinesIn = 12;
% empty Table that will hold ALL imported data
tData = []
% Use 'for loop' to import alle the data into one place
for i = 1:numel(filename)
C = importdata(filename{i},delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);
% add data to a table - 4 columns
tData = [tData,9:12)];
clearvars delimiterIn headerlinesIn i C
And that's the output from in mt Matlab:
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